The Scams

My List of Internet Scams

Here lies the name of Make Money Online (MMO) courses that we have reviewed to be total scams made by people who prey on the weak by draining your money just to fill their own pockets. If you’ve come across any of these products, please do hesitate to buy them!

Work From Home Programs



P/S – If you’re wondering how I do my reviews, I have a list of criteria I refer to when doing review ratings so all my reviews are standardized and not biased.

25 comments to “The Scams”
  1. Hi Riaz, Excellent job on your website.
    Can you recommend any products to make money online? or is WA the only one you promote.

  2. What about TubeLoom?

    Last two days TubeLoom has been sending me a lot promotional material. Moreover if you google for TubeLoom, to check for a review, it is full of “TubeLoom review” phrases which actually direct you to an affiliate of TubeLoom and convince you to buy TubeLoom from them.

    Is it a scam or simply a case of over-marketing gone wrong, Lots of misleading “TubeLoom reviews” enticers on the internet leading only to affiliate marketer of the same product.

    Still no reviews available on the internet.

    • Hello Justin,
      I’ve actually replied you on Facebook if you haven’t checked it out. Tubeloom is something new that not many people have done reviews on so like all new things on the internet, its something to be cautious about. You don’t know when they are going to close down or whether or not they will vanish all of a sudden. I have had many bad experience regarding new “Make money” schemes that pop up on the internet so until I’ve made a thorough review, I would advise you to keep a watchful eye. Still, its won’t hurt to give it a try since there’s a money back guarantee though.

  3. Hi Riaz ,this is my first time in this on line looking for extra income for my self. Ive joint paid social media and paid 37 for membership and another 56 for Arbitrage Course and I’ve not try further on cause login problem, any way is it worth trying or waste off time? And also I’ve joint My advertising pays and I’ve bought 2 credit pack and till now profit 75 Euro in my their accent.Ive taught of drawing some profit before increase my credit packs. But its seem difficult to withdraw profit cause process fee and vxgate bank or pay pal need to process? Pls advise

    • Hey Jusri,
      It’s great that you asked me regarding that, I once asked the same question. In my opinion, Paid social Media and Arbitage are a complete waste of time. They have poor support (Very rude too), you have to spend an extra amount of time to make small profit and it’s very hard to withdraw your money. You’re not the only one experiencing, I did myself and as do a lot of my friends and other members. If you’d like a proper way of making money online, I suggest you to start your own Online Business and I have compiled a top 10 list of legitimate companies to try out here. Good luck !

  4. Riaz. I stumbled on your site and I have to commend you on taking on this project !!!! You freaking rock I have spent the last year reviewing almost every MLM pyramid scheme and scam out there and then I found YOU I wouldn’t have to have worked so hard lol This is such a service .You will help so many people I hope you are making money because you deserve it. I am on disability and looking for work from home so I am joining WA

    May the Gods of the web Bless you

    ~namaste Sandy

    • Hey Sandra,
      Awesome I’m glad I managed to help you out, I lost a lot of money myself to these scams which is why I’m taking the time to rat them out and save other people their time and money. You will definitely enjoy WA, I spend most of my time on my blog and over there too everyday so I can personally help you out and check your website for you anytime. Best of luck on your Online Business too, hope you have a lovely day!

  5. Whats about Jamie Lewis Product The Last Goldmine.. .
    And the relaunch of the Rich jerk.
    Are they scams….pls reply to my mail.. .

  6. Another internet Scam is Affluentry Connection Center. Do not waste you time with this company. The will take your money and the product is not up to par. This company is a big waste of time and money.

    • Hello there Rakisha,
      Affluentry Connention Center, eh? Will definitely look into that and do a thorough review. If you don’t mind, could you share some of your experiences as well regarding this program? It will greatly help in my review 🙂

  7. I tried joining but the site says ” FREE MEMBERSHIP IS NOT AVAILABLE IN MY COUNTRY but we’d like to have you as a Premium Member” which asks me to pay $47/mo……I actually just want to join in as a free member, as I am still not familiar with anything online, am just staring to learn yet, so please don’t make me pay yet. As you have said in your blog “we’ll be taught how to get around”….I’m from the Philippines by the way.

    • I’m truly sorry to disappoint you Sollano,
      But the Philippines is one of the countries which we exclude from giving the free starter membership because we have had bad experience of scams and spammers so much so that your country is marked. You still can join though, but as a premium member only but rest assured I will personally help you out throughout the way. I’m from Malaysia so I understand your financial struggles as our currencies are really going down. I too joined as a premium member and now I am able to sustain 🙂

      Besides the Philippines, here’s a list of other countries which Wealthy Affiliate to do not give the starter membership to:
      1. Bangladesh
      2. Egypt
      3. India
      4. Nigeria
      5. Pakistan
      6. Vietnam

      Hope this clears the air!


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