Business name: Zyn Travel
Type of business: MLM
Price: $49.98 – $499.99 + Setup fee + monthly fees
Owner: Anthony Powell
My rating: 5 out of 100 (SCAM)
If you’re on this page, I’m sure you’ve been recently approached by someone from Facebook asking you become a Founder for a promising opportunity.
You clicked on the link he gave you and poof! You’re at the video showing you how great it is to travel all over the world with ridiculously cheap prices.
Believe it or not, I got approached the same way.

I got approached through an FB message.
You started asking yourself, is this for real?
Before you make any decisions whatsoever, there are certain things you need to know about this particular company so do continue reading as I unveil everything there is to know on my full Zyn Travel review below…
Pros and Cons
- Appealing to travel enthusiasts.
- Anthony Powell has bad reputation from his Herbalife and Vemma ventures, very untrustworthy.
- If you don’t go for the Platinum package, you might as well don’t go for it at all! You’ll lose more money than saving them.
- Zyndio is a new company yet they started out with a ton of controversies already. What that does that tell you?
- Very little detail about the company is being revealed unless you join… Would you want to take the risk?
- Difficulties in getting back your refund.
- Lack of support.
- The only way to earn big is to go on full-force and recruit people like any typical MLM companies do.
Jeepers, that is a lot of cons! Better check out my #1 recommended program here instead!
What is Zyn Travel? – An MLM in the Travel Niche

The pricing package for Zyndio.
Zyn Travel (Also known as Zyndio) is a Multi-Level Marketing company that uses travel discounts as their service.
It is not the only MLM company that uses travelling discounts as their service though, there is another company which does this called World Ventures which is also undergoing backlash from the community.
There are 3 packages to choose from when joining Zyndio (referred to as ZynTravel Club membership) and those are…
- Silver – $69.98 plus $12.99 a month
- Gold – $219.98 plus $12.99 a month
- Platinum – $469.98 plus $12.99 a month
Zyndio is also being very discreet on who the founder really is but Anthony Powell is suspected to be leading the venture.
With enough controversies circling him with regards to both his previous ventures Herbalife and Vemma, Zyn Travel (Or Zyndio) is something we really need to study before making any decisions.
Zyn Travel Compensation Plan

The 8 ways on how to earn.
Like many other typical MLM companies, Zyn Travel is no different when it comes to the compensation plan as there are 8 ways on how you can make money.
Method #1 – Affiliate Travel Commissions
Every Zyn Travel affiliate will get a website to promote (It’s exactly the same as the Zyndio main website but with your name there as well as your link).
When someone makes a purchase from your website, you get a percentage of that as commission. This is based from which package you sign up for:
- Silver – 25%
- Gold – 50%
- Platinum – 100%
Method #2 – Affiliate referral Bonus

Levels of enrollment.
This is when you really make money because like any other MLM companies – they live to recruit.
Zyn Travel is no different because although they emphasize on the travel discounts as being their main focus, they actually focus more on referral recruitment.
You will get you referral payment each week and depending on which package your referral joins in as, you will get 20% of that package as commission.
Method #3 – Affiliate Cycle Commission

The Affiliate Cycle
This part is a bonus for the previous method.
Everyone who joins a network marketing company will have a tree cycle and Zyn Travel is no different.
But over here, you will get a commission bonus if you fill in 12 of your referral slots and of course the higher the package they bought, the bigger your commissions.
Method #4 – Affiliate Travel Bonus
This is another bonus that Zyn provides to you, a bonus for your travelling purposes.
All Zyn affiliates get a 5% bonus but if you are a platinum member, you get a 10% bonus on top of commissions but there is in fact a catch though – you need to recruit 3 platinum members within 15 days.
Method #5 – Affiliate Matching Bonus

The cycle bonuses.
This part is also another bonus that you’ll be getting and it refers to the affiliate cycle commission.
The bonus that you’ll be getting is reward for you for motivating your referrals to recruit because the affiliate matching bonus is earned through cycles generated by your first and second tier affiliates.
Method #6 – Affiliate Lifestyle Bonus
To push every new member into working harder, Zyn Travel created something called the Exclusive Rising Star Club whereby new members will be treated like royalty.
You get your name on a plaque, you get name visibility on their website, and you’ll be invited to big events.
But the main benefit for this is only for platinum members because you can then have a chance to win more prizes based on how many cycles you finished…
- 5 matrix cycles – Mini iPad
- 10 matrix cycles – GoPro Hero camera
- 25 matrix cycles – MacBook Air
- 50 matrix cycles – A “Mastermind Session” in “an exotic location with Anthony” Powell and “his team”
- 1000 matrix cycles – BMW or Mercedes car plus $10,000
There are many more prizes mentioned to me like cruises and stays on the talk I attended however, but I couldn’t find it anywhere on their compensation plan nor on their website.
Method #7 – Affiliate Marketing Bonus
This one is only eligible to those who purchase the Zyn Travel Pro.
The way this works is simple – You get $10 for each first tier you recruit, $5 for the second tier and $3 for the third tier.
The catch however, is that your referrals must also have the Zyn Travel Pro.
Method #8 – Affiliate Global Bonus
This method is only for platinum members who are high achievers.
When a Zyn member generates cycle commissions but does not recruit three affiliates within a year of generating their first cycle commission, those commission funds are put into the Global Bonus Pool.
The Global Bonus Pool every year gives out a percentage to qualified platinum members which have at least 50 cumulative cycle.
Getting Tired of the MLM Life and Their Obvious Pyramid Scheme? Get REAL Help Here!
Red Flags
Red Flag #1 – Massive complaints everywhere
There are multiple red flags which you need to take note of, it’s something I like to show to my readers before exposing the bigger controversies as it lets you decide better once you take the blow.
Here are some comments which I picked up over the net…

This guy knows the reality of being in MLM.

Isn’t it obvious?

The travel discounts are hardly believable.
Nothing is perfect in this world and every business have people backlashing them but for a company that just started a few months ago, Zyndio already have this many people complaining about them.
I can only imagine how it will be like months to come.
Red Flag #2 – Price Discount controversy

Zyndio claims up to 85% save with over 300,000 hotels worldwide.
The travel discount is what attracts people the most.
There are no proof that the price Zyndio (Or Zyn Travel whichever) can give you the cheapest rate of 85% when all other booking agents struggle to get a lower rate.
To test out this hypothesis is very troublesome and time-consuming as I would have to compare Zyndo’s deals with that of other established booking agents such and Expedia which are obviously the power players in the travel industry.
However I am very insecure about Zyndio’s 85% claim because being a new company fresh without any proper launchings and going straight to the billion dollar travel industry, this made me a bit suspicious, wouldn’t you?
I worked in a hotel industry for many years before quitting starting my own company and never in my life have I seen discounts as high as 85%.
I worked at the reception and reservation for the Club Saujana Resort here in Malaysia…

I’m the one on the right.
And I worked at the Mayfair Hotel in London as sales as well reservation…

My time at the Mayfair was magical!
I had the authority of playing with prices when securing deals especially with travel agents but even so, we never gave away prices lower than 70% so 85% is a very huge claim to make which is why I am very cautious.
And I’m not the only one being overly skeptical of the huge price discount claim as there are other consumers also questioning their integrity…

Another customer questioning their price claims.
Which brings us to the only logical explanation – Zyndio doesn’t play with discounts!
What you’re really seeing as you join is the amount of earning that Zyndio plays with for you as an affiliate.
In other words, you need to refer more in order to travel more because when you refer, the company makes more money and for you to make the best of that travel discount, you need to upgrade to platinum which gives the company more money.

The reality in Zyndio is not on the travels… its in the MLM.
There is a lot at stake if you join Zyndio just for the sake of travel, it is in reality a risky path to take and if you would really want to save money to travel more, planning yourself is still way more affordable then throwing $500 away unless you have that much money to spare with ease.
Red Flag #3 – No Trace of the owner!
…Or is it?
When it comes to new companies especially huge ones, everyone wants to know who the man behind the whole idea is.
It shows transparency and it shows that the director has trust in his own product or service… unless he has something to hide.
We all know that the man behind Facebook is Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates for Microsoft, and Steve Jobs for Apple.
Okay let’s be realistic, it’s MLM we’re talking about.
All the more reason for them to show transparency!
Countless MLM companies have no problem with this whatsoever – We know that Bernardo Chua founded Organo Gold, David Wood and David Sharpe founded Empower Network, while Jay Van Andel and Rich DeVos founded the infamous Amway.
And despite the controversies, loads of people still join network marketing companies because they have faith in their leader.
But would you join a new company and spend about $500 when you have no idea who owns the company?
Call me old fashioned but as a consumer myself, I like to do thorough research before spending that much money on a company because if anything happens, I know who to point my finger to.
I tried looking everywhere on the Zyndio website but to no avail, there are no indications as to who the founder is which made me quite curious.
After doing some thorough research, here is what I found…

The WHOIS details that I managed to unearth.
Take a look at my compared Whois details above.
The above part of the image is the Whois details on November 2015 whereas the below part is the updated Whois details for December 2015.
If you look closely at the registrant email, you will see that initially the email for the domain was registered to which is actually the email for a well-known MLM leader called Anthony Powell.
How do I know if that’s his email or not you ask? Easy, take a look at this…

Anthony Powell’s email confirmed!
He was promoting that exact email on all his social media.
Now comes the billion-dollar question you’ve all been waiting for… Why is he hiding his name if he is a well-known person?
I guess it’s time for…
Red Flag #4 – Anthony Powell, the Man Behind Herbalife and Vemma.

That’s Anthony Powell.
If you don’t know Herbalife and Vemma, they are both huge MLM companies which Anthony Powell was a part of before he left after those companies were in a real pickle.

From the Street Insider.
Herbalife is currently undergoing Federal Trade Commission (FTC) investigations and they are on the brink of going down which made Anthony leave to join Vemma.
And what happened to Vemma? Take a look at this…

From the Motley Fool.
Vemma definitely went down alright, and just recently too on September 2015 which was 2 months ago (It’s currently 20 December as I’m writing this).
The FTC closed down Vemma as it is an illegal pyramid scheme which rewards the referrals for purchasing and recruiting rather than selling which was pretty messed up.
Herbalife shares pretty much the same thing in terms of their business plan but it is more established and have been around for many years which takes the FTC a longer time to investigate.
After Vemma went down, Anthony Powell started another MLM called Zyndio and he learned from his mistakes by targeting the travel niche instead of the health niche as in Vemma and Herbalife.
It seems that every company he’s ever involved in brings misery to the people around him. In fact, he has a lot complaints all over the internet…

A confession from one of Anthony’s downlines.
Now knowing the truth behind the company, would you still consider joining?
Me, I would definitely think twice.
Red Flag #5 – Is the Company Desperate?
While I was in the MLM industry, one of the things we were banned to do is to pay for our referrals no matter how close we are to them.
This is because we want to avoid the risk of pampering our referral too much that they tend to step over us but in reality, we just don’t want to show how desperate we are.
It seems that this trend is starting to become a reality, I picked it up in one of comments here…

You can never get back your refund.
I wasn’t really surprised at the fact that the person couldn’t get his refund – No MLM companies would give you their money easily.
Since the profit is supposed to go to your up line, believe me they are the ones who will make your life a living hell just so that they can get their commission.
Because living the MLM life isn’t as glamorous as it seems because making your way to the top ladder is actually extremely hard and in truth, less than 1% of Multi-Level Marketers see a profit due to the outrageous expense.
MLM The Truth actually made a study on the success rates of network marketers below…

Statistics from MLM Truth.
Believe it or not, in the MLM world, only the top of the hierarchy are the ones that makes the most money out of you – you will never outgrow them and you will never make more money than them.
Do I recommend Zyn Travel?
Absolutely not.
Like all MLMs out there, the system is not at fault – The people are.
This means that the community inside are the one who are giving you the company a bad name.
It’s getting pretty risky to join an MLM company and even though Zyn Travel promises to be something new and revolutionary, it’s definitely not.
No matter how many new MLM companies pop-up, their methods are still the same…
- You need to recruit people offline.
- You need to do house parties or hotel talks to invite people.
- You need to always start with your family and friends.
One thing I really hate about MLM companies is that they always make you call your family members and close friends first.
They force you make use of your contacts and push your product to them which is very wrong and annoying because by doing so, you destroy your relationship with the people you love and you’re pushing them away on purpose.
I got into a fight with many MLM leaders from companies like Dreamtrips, iPAS2 and Organo Gold because of this.
I told them all the same thing – “If you cannot convince random people to become your customers, why would you convince your family members?”
The reason is simple, because people hate MLM.
Rejection rate is quite high so for new members, they are encouraged to sell to family members and close friends because this way, they will be able to cover back our investment and because family and friends are very close to them, they will for surely spend out of self-pity.
Real businesses do not depend on pity. Instead, people will come to you if you have a strong infrastructure and you do honest work instead of being so pushy.
There are many ways on how to do businesses ethically and the best one believe it or not, is by doing an Online Business.
Wealthy Affiliate is currently my top ranked Online Business program and you can learn how to monetize a website based on any passion you may have.
Unlike a typical MLM scheme whereby you have to promote a company you do not like while paying expensive monthly fees to them, believe it or not you are NOT supposed to pay anything at all if you are selling someone else’s product.
It is called Affiliate Marketing and it basically selling someone else’s product in exchange for commissions and this is something many Amazon affiliates or Clickbank affiliates are earning money from.
To start an Online Business, you basically make people come to you by creating a website unlike in MLM whereby you have to chase after people and depend on word of mouth.
Then, you work to get your website on the first page of Google because that’s where people will start to click on your website the most.
Sounds like a tough thing to do but despite what people say about Google being super competitive, it’s basically not so if you have the right tools and knowledge because believe or not, even I can rank any pages that I like on the first page…

Google search results for “Affiliate marketing niches”
Having the right knowledge, tools and support is crucial for a successful Online Business and all of these are provided within Wealthy Affiliate.
I quit the MLM world because I believe in making money based on my own hard work and passion because that would be an even more rewarding experience, one you will definitely be looking forward to wake up to in the morning.
Here’s a table comparison between my top ranked program and Zyn Travels…
MLM is just a system, it’s the people inside who make them corrupt.
But with so many controversies brewing up at its launching stage, the questionable travel discounts, as well as Anthony Powell’s bad reputation of bailing when the going gets tough, Zyn Travel is definitely a SCAM and receives my rating of only 5 out of 100.
If you are like me, wanting to start a business the right way far from MLM or hard sells then check out my #1 recommended program here.
Thanks for reading thus far. If you have any experience that you’d like to share, do drop them down below as I’ll be more than happy to reply.
MLM, I can’t stand this type of business model. So many people looking to make good residual income get conned into MLM schemes. Honestly, the way ZynTravel or any other MLM company recruit their members is like a cult.
I’m glad there’s a lot of us writing reviews and really exposing them for what they really are. Great review and honestly the travel hype really seems attractive but that’s how they get you!
argh, makes me angry
All the best
Right you are Vinnie, baits are meant to lure you and if we never see it coming, we’re definitely in for a treat. Appreciate the feedback, thanks for dropping by!
HI I`m very sad i had invested in zyndio didn’t see this article but now i want to know if someone know how i can cancel my membership i`m very disappointed.
Hey Alejandro,
When it comes to MLM, there is no such thing as Money Back Guarantee and if there is, they would make the process very hard for you to get your money back. This is mainly because your upline would be very pissed and would try for you to not back out so he can keep his commissions. I would advise you to try your luck and contact your upline, or simply by contacting their office but I really can’t make any promises. Hope you’ll get it back!
Thank you for sharing, i was doing research about Zyndio for a relative and your information is so good i personally cannot invest in Zyndio. Hope many people get to ready your article and get enlightened
Thanks for the kind words Angie, I’m glad you found my article insightful. Hope you enjoy your weekend!
As usual you bring us back to earth with your helpful reviews of these scammy marketing ploys. Of course I do hate MLMs and so I’m probably biased, but there are so many things I dislike about this set up. And sounds like they aren’t even trying to be customer friendly from the crazy amount of complaints.
Thanks for the review and will visit again soon.
You’re right on that one Maria, a lot of people feel the same way as you and you’re not the only one. Network Marketing companies have bad reputation from the public and they are playing a very risky game so its wise to take one step at a time or better yet, stay away altogether. Appreciate the feedback, hope you enjoy your weekend!
Thank you for this great review Riaz ! A friend of mine told me about zyndio and I wasn’t very sure about what it really was, so thank you for this big review.
I don’t like this MLM thing, one of my friend was really into it some years ago and finally he didn’t earn very much with it, so I don’t want to get into this kind of thing now.
Glad I was able to give you insight Jonathan, I too was curious before joining a particular company when it sounds too good to be true. Hope you made the right choice, enjoy your Monday!
There’s nothing worse than these “Facebook affiliates” who spam their scams everywhere they go. They can’t even spell properly, yet people still think they have some “insider” information for making fast money.
It sounds like nothing but a get rich scheme. No, not a get rick scheme for the customer, but a scheme for the owners.
Exactly Alec,
I get 3 to 4 messages from random Facebook people asking me to join as a founder for some new program. They never even call me by my name, just a “Hi” or “Hello” which shows they copy paste their messages to everyone hoping to get a fast reply. I checked their profiles and they are all MLM their status is filled with MLM banners and no real value.
Great review! First I have had my past encounter with MLM based opportunities, I seriously am of the opinion that none of them deserve my high respect. I would not like to recruit people to join into a program only to benefit me and my uplines. Moreso when any program or scheme that leverages its operation on sponsorship instead of acquiring new customers, it is not healthy.
Great points there Fred, When people chase after money, they neglect the product quality and service. I’ve become all too familiar with the lies we have been fed while in MLM. Appreciate your feedback, thanks for dropping by!
Great review! First I have had my past encounter with MLM based opportunities, I seriously am of the opinion that none of them deserve my high respect. I would not like to recruit people to join into a program only to benefit me and my uplines. Moreso when any program or scheme that leverages its operation on sponsorship instead of acquiring new customers, it is not healthy.
Hi Riaz,
You explain the business structure and framework of Zyndio in great detail, that’s nice. In my opinion, MLM and Wealthy Affiliate are totally different.; in terms of the industry, the way it works and how you earn the money, etc. Do you think that people who join MLM will most likely be losing the money? i have a friend who’s been promoting Amway and he seems to be doing fine.
Without a doubt, most people are losing money in MLMs, Patsy. Ask your friend how long has he been in the company and what ranking position is he currently ranking. If he has been working for years, he should be a director because if not, he’s earning less than a thousand annually as that is the norm for teh lower rankings.
You deserve a medal for such an in depth review, they’re certainly not easy to create. I’ve been stung a couple of time with MLM’s; and although none are equal I am certainly on my guard when someone presents one to me. A lot of travel MLM’s are popping up and Zyndio is alien to me, never heard of them and lol i never want to be with them. Keep up the great work in helping people find their feet in the internet world.
Glad to know my efforts are appreciated Sharon, that’s very kind of you thank you. MLM have stung many of us and I’m glad you chose to get back on your feet despite those stings. Appreciate the feedback, hope you have a great Tuesday!
on my travel website lm looking for travel affiliate programs, that is how l got to your site.
l have never heard of Zyndio.
l like the way you have done the research so well ,the way you have given the pros and the cons although i must say there are only cons.
l like the way you did your research so well in every little detail.
Thanks so much,you have saved me from wasting my time because there is no way im joining Antony Powell program.
That’s because honestly there are more cons than the pros that I could find within this program Roamy, glad you found my review helpful. Thanks for the feedback, hope you have a great Wednesday!
Wow, thanks for posting this! I hadn’t heard of them until now, but if I had ever come across them on my own, it would’ve been very tempting for me since I love to travel and it has always been a dream of mine. I do not like MLM and so many times you get burned whenever you join one. The fact that this is a fairly new company and there’s already red flags is not good and it stinks that you pretty much have to buy the largest package to have any inkling of hope of making any money with them. I will steer clear of them, thanks for the review!
That’s a very typical move Brian, buy the biggest package to get the best benefit because if not, we’ll end up spending more money instead. Thanks for the feedback, cheers
Hi Riaz,
First of all, thank you. Thank you for such a detailed and informative blog post on Zyndio.
I actually had no idea about it, or Anthony Powell (what a con artist) but I have seen Herbalife here in Chile where I’m currently living and often have wondered about it!
I’m just curious if you plan to do a post on World Ventures in the future? I know of a lot of people into World Ventures and would love an un-bias review of it.
Again, thanks Riaz. Hopefully with your review of Zyndio you’ll save people that may have otherwise joined!
Hey there Stacey,
World Ventures would be a great company opportunity for me to review, I have in fact joined and been there myself here in Malaysia so I know exactly how their system works. There are a lot of people joining WV but never made it because of their unrealistic expectations explained by the uplines just to trick them into joining and I think this needs my attention.
Herbalife is everywhere, even here in Malaysia too and I’ll definitely have my eye on them too for sure. Thanks for the feedback, hope you have a great Saturday!
I agree when you said that MLM is not at fault. MLM has a bad name because of people who tried it and failed. They often say that it doesnt work or it is a scam. The only reason why it didnt work is because they didnt put in that time and effort that it need.
MLM is not as easy as it sounds, Von. With that many people failing rather than succeeding, its evident that its an industry which is not meant for just anyone. You need to have thick skin as the rejection rate is also quite high as not many people today are fond of MLM anymore.
Hi Riaz,
This information is helpful to know. I agree with you that it is so easy to get scammed. Your research gives so much information and so next time we come across these scams, your well researched post will help inform our decision. Would you suggest an alternate to Zyndio?Thanks again!
An alternative to Zyndio? If you’re talking about MLM companies, I wouldn’t suggest any but for Online Business, Wealthy Affiliate remains my #1 recommendation still. Great community, immersing lessons and high retention rate.
I spend most of my time there almost every day so if you need help at all with anything, you’re always welcome to ask me. Cheers Rodney, hope you have a great weekend!
It’s just madness to travel at a prices we wish for? Yes, we hope they exist but at times, you have to think twice and consider the legitimacy.
Oh no, seriously….MLM? I have nothing about this approach. I dislike, disregard and disgusted with the belief.
Although I’ve never heard of Anthony Powell, I am sure he’s one of the popular figures in MLM world.
So, it’s fair to say someone who’s been hit by MLM might know who the person is.
Hey Tarmizi,
You’re definitely right on that one, everyone wants to travel at incredibly cheap prices but we can never afford to do so unless someone sponsors us. Travelling is expensive but desirable which is why these scammers see it as an opportunity to take advantage of and establish a whole MLM firm on top of it.
Hey thanks for the review!
Ive been approached by friends before that have pitched me on other MLM ventures but had no idea about this one until reading your review. Its another one of those “sounds to good to be true” ventures I see. I had a friend that pitched me on vemma and I actually almost did just because the drink he gave me wasn’t that bad. It wasn’t until I had seen a review similar to this showing how horrible vemma really was that I decided to steer clear altogether. Thanks!
Good thing you didn’t go with Vemma, Josh! They are currently under FTC investigations so chances of success is very slim as people are getting insecure. Thanks for sharing your feedback, glad I could help give some you some insight! Cheers.
Hey thanks for the review!
Ive been approached by friends before that have pitched me on other MLM ventures but had no idea about this one until reading your review. Its another one of those “sounds to good to be true” ventures I see. I had a friend that pitched me on vemma and I actually almost did just because the drink he gave me wasn’t that bad. It wasn’t until I had seen a review similar to this showing how horrible vemma really was that I decided to steer clear altogether. Thanks!
Hi Riaz,
What a nice and interesting article, I was really absorbed by the reading! I never heard about Zyndo, it’s the first time today and it’s always good to know about scams, which help people not to get involve and just waiste time and money! I am so happy to be a member of Wealthy Affiliate today!
Thank you very much for this awesome review!
Its great to meet a fellow WA-er here Daniella, glad to know you liked my review. Thanks for the kind words, hope you have a good Monday!
Hey Riaz, I got one of those Facebook messages a couple days ago, so I’m glad I found your article here! I already had my doubts about Zyndio and you solidified them with this extensive review. There are way too many MLM and other scams out there. Thanks for this thoroughly informative post! -Sebastian
Hey Sebastian, it seems that they are indeed going aggressive on Facebook marketing. Glad I was able to help you give more insight on what the program really is, cheers!
Hey Riaz great review of Zyndio. It’s not a program that I’ve heard of before, but I’m always getting approached on Facebook about the newest system or program so I’m surprised I haven’t came across it.
My feeling is, if it takes more then one chart to explain your affiliate/referral/commission program then it’s too damn complicated.
I’ve been involved in programs like this, but in different niches. Always seems like you’re just trying to stay active so you can actually make sales.
I agree not worth your time.
You’re definitely right Brok,
If its too complicated then its not worth your time unless you’re paid for it. People don’t have time to study all those, they want something simple and straightforward where they can learn at their own pace and work on it as they see fit. Glad you liked my review, thanks for dropping by!
Hey there
You have laid out a great article relating to MLM scams. To a curious online user like me who’s always on the lookout for new business idea, its of great help.
It is really amazing how a simple idea these days can easily turn into a MLM scam set up by those experienced users. I’m always on 100% skeptic mode until someone lets me try it for free, for e.g Wealthy Affiliate.
Thanks for the Info!
Zhi Wei
Its good to be skeptic Lee, especially on membership[ programs which require you to commit to spending monthly payments such as in MLM firms. Glad you liked my review, cheers.
Hi Riaz.
Thanks very much for pointing onto what Zyndio really is. I can’t believe there are so much scams online, and I can’t stress enough the importance of unmasking all those cheaters. They only want to take our money. Herbalife is no different. It’s important to learn from other’s mistakes so you don’t experience scams on your own skin
Anytime Eric, glad I can unmask their true intentions for you to decide better. Cheers!
Great work on exposing yet another MLM scam. Great to see you are pointing your readers towards a respectable organisation such as Wealthy Affiliate which is an awesome place to get the knowledge and training to build a real long term, sustainable internet business. Without resorting to outrageous claims and B.S to convince you to join them. Instead you can join for free and try them out before you spend one red cent.
Great review and keep up the good work 🙂
Thanks Peter, I try. I believe programs should provide a trial run before letting people spend their money on monthlies so that they can get a feel of what its like inside before giving such commitment. If they are too scared to even give trial accounts, then there’s definitely something to hide inside.
I appreciate your review on Zyndio, a Multi Level Marketing Company (MLM). I have also had about various networking marketing company, Forever Living Product (FLP), GNLD (now NEOLIFE), to name a few.
My question now is this! Are all of these MLM companies SCAM company or are there any genuine ones among them???
Hey Johnson
So far all of the MLM companies I’ve come across are scams with many controversies and bad back stories. I have yet to find a good MLM company but I believe there is one out there, usually the good guys are the ones who doesn’t make much noise as they don’t have to tell the world how good they are, they don’t have to prove anything – Their actions prove their worth. Thanks for dropping by, wishing you a Happy New Year!
At least Zyndio has a unique “product” LOL. This is the thing about most mlm companies and why they do not last long.
It might work for someone who likes to travel, but unfortunately not everyone are traveling enthusiasts. I do not see a huge market for this company and this is why I am going to stick with affiliate marketing.
Hey Viljoen,
Although not everyone likes to travel, the travel industry itself is one of the top income earners for a country as there are millions of people who do love travelling, including me. Unfortunately not all travel enthusiasts are a natural at persuasion and that is why Affiliate Marketing is the best way to earn money online as just about anyone can do it no pressure at all.
Thank you for the comprehensive review and your great insights!
I love the way you write! It really shows that you know the thing what you are talking about.
I don’t understand how guys like Anthony Powell and other “gurus” don’t get stopped in their businesses. Other thing that I don’t understand what’s going in the mind of Anthony Powell. How he can fool people without feeling bad about it? Probably only one thing is in his mind: Money, Money, Money. “For the love of money is the root of all evil.”
Money can change a person Roope. Everyone needs it but those who are desperate for it will stop at nothing to get it, even if it does go against ethical boundaries. They are willing to go the extra mile to crush other people’s hopes and dreams just to get to their goals. Some are just despicable. Thanks for the feedback, Happy New Year!
Hi Riaz,
I didn’t know starting an online business could be this much engaging. Reading through all the tips and hints blew me away. You covered all aspects of it and left no gap at all. If there is a thorough guide pointing to the right direction for someone who is so confused and overwhelmed by so much information out there, I say it is this website. Thanks a lot for the inspiration and I am gonna be always coming back to find out more and be blown away more. Keep up the good work !
Baker Osman
I would appreciate that Baker, I’m trying to give the best insight to people who have no experience in MLM before the delve in. Thanks for dropping by, Happy New Year!
Hi Riaz,
Thanks so much for sharing this information. This type of business is probably not something I would ever consider but I appreciate the fact that you lay it all out for us to see. The review is rich in detail, plenty enough for an educated decision.
From the looks of it a very important review for someone actually considering the MLM.
I really like the link across the top of the page, that is cool. Is that coded or a part of a widget section of your theme?
Hey Steve,
The link on top of the page is actually a plugin called Hello Bar. Its free and its quite handy too, I recommend you use it as it doesn’t take up much space and it loads up pretty fast. Glad you liked my review, thanks for the feedback and I wish you a very Happy New Year
thanks for the article. I did receive a post about this on my facebook page and was wondering what it was all about. I have always been skeptical regarding anything mlm. So great review you saved me the time in finding out about this program. I’ll also be refering this to my friend before he gets burned
Good thing you did your research online and came across this article Alfonso, I’m glad I managed to save you and your friend the trouble of finding about the company yourself. Happy New Year!
Well thank you for saving me a whole bunch o research time. I am working in the travel niche for a couple of years now and it was only a matter of time till I met Zyndio.
There’s a lot of upset affiliates and a lot of unsatisfied customers, not to mention the staff!
I just wonder why authorities don’t close these guys down.
Good thing you come across my review before they find you Janelle, I’m glad you decided not to go along with the program should you ever come across it. Good question, when people see the amount of money they can earn from it, they don’t back out so easily. Desperate times call for desperate measures
Hi Riaz,
Thanks for your very detailed anaylsis of Zyn Travel MLM. It was great that you have reviewed with certain authority as you have been in the travel industry and you know the inside stories.
As part of the Wealthy Affiliate Community, I’m proud of people like you and all who is on a mission to help people avoid the scams out there in the internet onine marketing and MLM industry. I agree with you that the systems and MLM industry are by itself not a bad thing, it’s the people within the community whom are all out for the “Get-Rich-Quick” route that created the deals and schemes to lure people into their “schemes/scams”, feeding on the frenzies of like-minded individuals whom are out to “Get-Rich-Quick”!
Continue your admirable work in reviewing potential “scams” and keep sharing!
Thank you for the kind words Mike, that get rich quick mindset is one that’s pushing the people inside the network marketing industry bonkers. They should work at their own pace and although the pressure is good, we cannot force people to work hard, we need to make them find that motivation themselves. Thanks for dropping by, cheers!
Hi Riaz!
I usually don’t research who the owners of the MLM companies are, most of the time, I look for product reviews. When I was trying to lose weight before, I have considered Herbalife because a lot of people I know really lost weight with it. But it is too expensive so I didnt go buy it. This article is an eye opening one for prospective consumers like me – to investigate who the owners are and if they intend to stay for long to really serve their customers.
Glad you liked my review Pitin, MLM companies do charge extremely high for their products. They overprice because they emphasize more on their pyramid scheme. Thanks for dropping by!
Hello Riaz,
This is certainly a thorough review of Zyndio. You have assembled an amazing amount of details on all aspects of the company. With all the information you have provided, your article may save a great many people from this company.
How did you come up with the ideas to track down the owner? Your article reads like a detective story, with you as the star detective. Have you ever thought of supplementing your reviews with videos? You could play Inspector Riaz of the Kuala Lumpur Internet Police exposing villains. (Think more Holmes than Clouseau) It could work!
Hey there Xin,
Wow that’s the first time someone ever calls me a detective, cool! The ideas came up when I wanted answers but I couldn’t get them. I wanted to know who the person behind the domain is so I did some back-end digging for WHOIS. The email looked familiar so I Googled it up and found who the person really is. I actually do create videos but I haven’t reached that point yet, hopefully one day I will lol. Thanks for the kind words though. Hope you have a very Merry Christmas!
Hi there Riaz,
Interesting review there. I always thought that MLM niches revolve around the health and cosmetic products. I see they have now ‘branch out’ to the travel industry as well. Everyone loves to travel so why not earn some referral fee from it, right?
The last I heard about a ‘85% travel discount’ was when my brother and his wife won a lucky draw for a trip to China. It was said that they only pay for half the airplane fee and the accommodation was free.
Well there was a catch. The moment they landed on China and did the tours, it became clear that they MUST purchase something from every shop/destination that they visited. To make the most profit, they were taken to the most expensive shops. They ended up buying things that they don’t even need. It’s ridiculous.
For me, it is somewhat a scam hidden behind up-selling tactics. The fact that travel agencies actually condone these tactics is unbelievable. If they can do this, I am not surprise what MLM travels would do.
No thanks to package and MLM tours. I rather backpack on my own.
Hey there Cathy,
That is shocking to hear, I must admit it is my first time coming across the travel scam in China. But then again, I wasn’t surprised as there are many scams such as this in China and they are very creative with lots of ways you’d never thought possible. 85% is indeed a very high claim to make when it comes to travelling so if you ever come across this, be sure to keep an extra eye out on the strings attached.
There are many agencies such as this which revels in scamming people when it comes to travelling because they can get away with it. Thanks for sharing your feedback, really appreciate that. Merry Christmas!
hey riaz
thanks for the article, i’ve been apporached by this twice and i was thinking what the **** as every word didnt seem to add up
could you please explain to me what MLM’s are , it’s probly realy obvious but it was something that confused me
thanks , Nathan
Hey Nathan,
MLM is Multi Level Marketing whereby you make money by referring people to join. Although they have a product or in this case, a travel service, all of those is just a rouse to mask their real intention which is to recruit people to join which is why these people are pushing you to join even when you do not like it.
Riaz, thanks for the info before I fell into the hands of scammers. Lol. I hope many readers come along to your site and read your reviews for the better. very informative piece of information written in plain and simple English.
Please do more reviews and update your information on a regular basis!
I wish you success! well done!
I will Jimmy, I write reviews every week. Thanks for dropping by, hope you have a very merry christmas!
Wow! You really did a vast amount of research. I appreciate all your information, graphs and comments about Zyndio. I’m sure you’re going to save a lot of people time, money and heartache. With so many other programs/systems to participate in, you’ve proven that Zyndio is just a waste of time and money. I, too, went down the MLM pathway with so many companies. Very disappointing. I’m certainly going to recommend your blog to anyone that has a desire to get into Zyndio. Thanks for a great article!
I appreciate that Diane, thanks so much! There are better ways on earning online than Zydio, thanks for sharing your feedback. Cheers!
It is another MLM scam again. I look forward to see your posts as I learn who are the scammers and real online providers. Definitely, you are providing valuable info to readers like myself. I always learn a lot from your posts and your articles provide detailed information to justify with facts. Thank you for sharing.
Glad you like my review Stanley, all in a days work. Cheers!
Dear Riaz,
Thanks for another great Review. Great job exposing yet another MLM Scam. When you mentioned Herbalife and Vemma, that hit home for me because I remember reading those topics elsewhere. I did not realize that the owner of Zyndio was also once part of those 2 MLM Companies before either.
You are very right in saying that the structure of MLM is not why it is at fault, but the owners are. I hate pyramid schemes as much as the next person because at times it seems like you can’t get support from the Founder even.
Glad to see that your #1 Recommendation is the way to go, it is trustworthy, and a great business model even the most simplest of people can understand. It is easy because it is through that which you would build a passionate online business with. 🙂
Wishing you all the best with your online success above and beyond the horizon,
Hey there Angel,
You’re completely right about not being in touch with the founders. In MLM, the founders are biased – they only talk to the top uplines within the community and not the little guys like us. They do come from time to time to ‘inspire’ people but even when we do see them up close, we can never have a chance to talk to them.
I’m glad you liked my review and recommendation, I wanted to help give people a better way of earning online and judging from your comment, I’m halfway there! Thanks for the feedback, hope you have a great day!
I already had joined this typical zyndio product, I was interested only for the travel discount, not on the MLM, but I always get difficult to claim my discount, whenever I plan my itinerary and call them to get discount, they’ve always said that the room hotel already booked by someone or full booked. By seeing your articles seems zyndio is a lot worse than the other discount travel product, I am glad I found this article from Google, thank you Riaz for your details review
Hey Gesit,
Wow they really making things hard for you, I did not know about the rooms being fully booked part. I can tell that’s its also a trick that they are using because the only way for them to guarantee that huge price discount is if you choose to travel on off-peak days because hotels will never reduce prices on weekends and holiday seasons. They charge rack rates instead.
Seeing that the hotel couldn’t give the discount, I suspect Zyndio chose to just cover up and tell you that its fully-booked instead because believe me, in all my years working in hotels, we never have full rooms on off-peak days which is why we give discounts to begin with in order to attract people to come.
Thanks for sharing your feedback with us Gesit, really appreciate that. I guess we uncovered another plot on how they managed to pull this off. Thanks for dropping by!
Hi there! Is MLM business really that bad? Actually I have joined on one company before and it was okay. They give seminars and trainings for you to enhance your skills for the business. They also made presentations that made its members better understand the process of earning. But I don’t know if Zyndio also works that way.
By the way, if Zyndio is not worth it to join, do you have any other suggestion if I want to start my own business? Thanks in advance for your response.
Hey there John,
MLM used to be awesome, I in fact joined a few back in teh old days but with so many people geared at taking down each other in the name of money, its not wise to join an MLM company today as the newer system all aim ti drain as much money from you as possible . Zyndio definitely works that way too, all MLM companies do presentations in their office and hotels no matter what the niche.
My last encounter with a travel MLM was with Dreamtrips and even they do presentations in hotels and even malls here in Kuala Lumpur. I left the boat before it started sinking and started doing my own business online to monetize my passion. I could recommend you to my top ranked program here if you’re interested in starting your own business online. I’m always here if you need help with anything, good luck!
Hi there Riaz,
You’ve certainly packed this post with a ton of useful information! I was convinced back when you pointed out that you don’t get very much information about the business up front, you’ve got to join for details.
As far as I’m concerned, if I’ve ever looked into a company affiliate or otherwise, any you are lead on a string of bait to keep you going without learning anything real about what they have to offer and how much it will cost you, they’ve already lost me. If the details aren’t presented on page one, there’s a reason for it, and it’s typically not a good reason.
Awesome post and keep up the good work!
Hey Brian,
Information is indeed the most important thing we look for, its great that you felt uneasy when Zyndio was trying to hide that from you. We all should. Thanks for sharing your feedback, hope you have a great day.
Excellent review, great detailed content and way to inform us of a scam that people just want to take our money and give nothing back. You go very in depth which might have just been the greatest detailed – MLM scam review I have ever stumbled across. It is certainly a shame when people try to take other peoples money with mind games. Will be checking up on this daily!
Thanks for the kind words Ryan, almost all MLM companies today are designed to squeeze money out of the members, I plan to expose their scheme to everyone and let them decide themselves before joining. Thanks for dropping by!
There are very few people that succeed on this environment. This company on particular I think the initial investment is a little high. Another thing that I don’t like is that they push you to take out the most expensive package. There is a lot of limitations if you take the cheaper package. Overall, great review my friend
Totally agree with you on that one Javier, packages are supposed to be balanced but from this one, all emphasis seems to go to the platinum so its really biased. Thank you for the compliment, much appreciated. It did take me a week to finally finish writing the review, glad you liked it. Cheers!
Wow! I have heard of this program and was also skeptical. I am so glad you gave this review because I don’t want to point anyone in the wrong direction. It’s a shame because I love traveling. What are your thoughts and suggestions on World Ventures? I have always considered becoming a rep for them.
Hey Jasmine,
Glad you asked me that question, I was in Dreamtrips World Ventures and from my experiences, I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone. Unless you love the hype in MLM communities, you’ll tend to get tired of all those yelling and shouting everytime you meet them at the office.
The pressure of recruiting is just as strong as any other MLM companies because really, that’s all everyone will talk about… NOT how wonderful the price rates are if you join their so called travel club. Oh and speaking of prices, its not as cheap as they claim though because it excludes airfare. In fact, they don’t reduce the price at all, they just play around with your credits which is package you paid for when you joined. Most of the members there quit halfway and never actually managed to travel at all because in the end, all emphasis goes to you recruiting more people.
I had never heard of Zyndio but it sounds scary. I see that the platinum members get a 750 credit – but the question is how much is the travel? A 750 credit off off a 3000 trip, that could cost 2000 on an other site is not a discount at all! It is my understanding that pyramid schemes and MLM are not necessarily the same thing – the thing that makes an MLM illegal is that they are not offering anything in return for money… not actually selling anything. It sounds like Zyndio is doing exactly that – do you agree?
You’re totally right on that one Elle,
It is not a discount and you’ll end spending more money rather than save some. MLM and pyramid scheme are indeed 2 different things but there is a thin line which separates these two. Pyramid Schemes have no product and they emphasize on recruiting people.
MLM on the other hand, have products but they ignore that line altogether. They promote themselves as a product retail company or service provider but in reality they achieve this by recruiting people. Their referrals can only sustain themselves IF they refer more people under them because they are forced to pay monthly fees and auto-ship every month which means that if they don’t refer, they lose money.
Is that ethical? Selling products internally isn’t something that I’d like to call retailing, so when you are forced to buy products from a company, you are the customer NOT a business owner despite what the up lines claim. Zyndio uses travelling to mask their intentions but in reality, they clearly emphasize on recruitment rather than those discounts. Great question Elle, thanks for asking!
I’m sorry to say that I have no confident in any MLM and hate their pyramid scheme which they are earning by recruiting. In another word, they are earning their members and downlines’ monies. Heard about Vemma years back and if not mistaken, it was another MLM scam.
I was previously in travel industry too and never came across 85% deep discount. Really in doubt!
You’re right to be in doubt Jan,
No company would be able to reduce their prices so far all the way to 85%, not even 60% nor 50%. All MLM companies in the end lead to one thing only – you having to recruit more people in order to sustain yourself so its not a business I would recommend anyone to delve into unless you have a very thick skin and have plenty of money to spare.
I was looking up different MLMs because I am a big fan of them and am considering starting with a new one.
The last one I did, i was fairly successful, almost making 100k/yr, but I had some personal things come up right around the 2008 recession and I decided to leave that company.
I came across your article, and am glad I did. Wow, Zyndio doesn’t sound like anything that I want to be a part of. Thank you for sharing! 🙂
MLM used to be fun,decent and rewarding Jason, I was part of a few companies myself too back in those days. But when the people inside gets greedy, they mess up the whole thing just so that they can run away with millions of dollars of everyone’s money. I lost 18 grands on this particular MLM called GL2U when the founder run away to Hong Kong without any trace. Despicable.
Wow You really did your research on this one. This has got to be the most informative review I have read about this worm. I am in my early 40s and remember the whole Amway and Herbalife movement. I got sucked into Amway but Smartened up by the time Herbalife got to me. What a great warning you have put out there. Thank You so much.
Thanks Jason,
It took me a week to compile everything. After getting scammed on multiple MLM companies, I get pretty skeptical on everything so before I join anything, I make it a habit to see if there’s any trail I can find and expose.
I too remember the Amway and Herbalife movement when it was all the craze – Everyone puts stickers on their cars and windows can you imagine that? Great to know you’ve put that all behind, thanks for sharing the feedback with us.
Hi Riaz,
I went to a HerbalLife presentation at a hotel many years ago and I feel that all those setup and presentation were pretty fake. I did not join them.
Now I know Anthony is the black sheep behind the troubled MLM companies. Zyndio? Thanks but no thanks!
Thanks for the detailed research on Zyndio!
Hey Edmund
Those Herbalife presentations were all very familiar to me back then too and you were definitely right that they’re fake. Their whole intention is recruiting and their product weren’t that popular in public at all. Glad you liked my review, thanks for dropping by!