Product name: iPAS 2
Type of business: Sales Funnel system/ MLM Affiliate Marketing
Price: $7 trial for 7 days, $47 One-time-offer and expensive membership upsells.
Owner: Chris Jones
Overall Rank: 21 out of 100 (Pyramid SCAM)
I came across iPAS 2 from an email I received a few days ago and I decided to try it out because it looks pretty decent.
After trying it out for 2 weeks (The training videos are ridiculously long!), I found out that this program has many signs of a scam such as the fact that all promotions lead to Empower Network.
To find out my story, here’s my full review on what iPAS 2 is all about.
Pros and Cons
- Easy to refund (There’s even a picture guide on how to do that!)
- Video lessons are great and helpful (Although they are extremely long!)
- Coach mentors are friendly and approachable.
- Newbie-friendly site navigation (I absolutely love the graphics!)
- Typical sales video – There is no clear indication on what you will actually be doing inside the program.
- iPAS 2 doesn’t actually have a product at all!
- Almost half of the sales video talks about testimonials instead of showing what it really looks like inside.
- Doesn’t have an internal online community within the member’s area to help you interact better so you will end up getting LOADS of email spams which can get annoying.
- Ridiculously long training videos – most of them are at least 40 minutes!
- If you want to promote iPAS 2, you need to pay an affiliate fee! (Totally ridiculous because affiliate marketing should be free!)
- Lack of check list and written forms of the guide which means that if you ever forget something, you will need to go back to previous videos which are about 40 minutes each JUST to re-check what you have forgotten!
- Chris talks about getting unachievable amounts of money which is too big of a claim such as $70,000 a month or $100,000 a month in hopes of getting you to join.
- Too many upsells that it will take you really long to get to the main page!
- You have no freedom of choice to promote anything you want because iPAS 2 is 100% dependent on Empower Network.
- You will be spending MORE money on advertisements which will costs you thousands of dollars!
Jeepers, that’s a lot of cons! Better check out my #1 recommended program here instead!
What is iPAS 2?
iPAS 2 is a sales funnel internet marketing course which teaches you how to make money online by getting leads (Fancy name for subscribers) and trying to make them buy a product which gives high return.
That particular product with high return is actually a well-known scam in the Internet Marketing industry called Empower Network which I have also reviewed here.
It is not wrong to promote any product and make money out of it but why I despise Empower Network is because it is an MLM pyramid scheme which only aims at draining more money out of you ESPECIALLY newbies who are easily tricked as they are still new to the industry.
Empower Network tricks you into spending more money through its many hidden upsells which is really unethical and I do not advise anyone to join that program as I have seen many of my friends being bullied and being sent threatening letters the moment they want to back out (Really what kind of mindset is that??)
There are many programs that you can promote which are legitimate and ethical instead of Empower Network which I believe should be covered in iPAS 2 instead. (Click here to check out a list of legitimate programs that I have reviewed).
All in all, iPAS 2 can be a great program if you are free to do your own choice of business but since it’s only focusing on Empower Network, iPAS 2 is regarded as only but a mere extension tool for a greater evil.
What I don’t Like about iPAS 2
Besides the cons that I’ve laid up, there are certain things implemented by Chris that just gets on my nerves and I thought it would be wise to share it with you guys:
1) iPAS 2 is made especially for Empower Network
Again, just to make it clear – iPAS 2 DOESN’T teach you how to create your own online business.
Instead, it teaches you how to make money online by selling Empower Network and not any other products or services that you desire.
To make matters worse, Empower Network is the HARDEST program to sell because it has been known worldwide as the number one scam so much so that even merchant cards such as AMEX doesn’t want to be affiliated with Empower Network anymore.
That’s why if you join Empower Network, you will have your own e-Wallet in order to receive your scam money WHICH you will also need to pay!
Imagine YOU needing to pay in order to receive your own money!
I’ll let you do the deciding.
2) Lying about the actual Price
1 thing I HATE when it comes to spending money is people lying about the claims they make.
Chris claimed that with $7, you can access everything inside iPAS 2 but once you get inside, you’ll learn to realize that is not the case.
You will be bombarded with hidden offers and there are packages that cost over $4,000!
And don’t even get me started on the thousands of dollars you will be spending on advertisement campaigns which is totally bullocks.
So how are you going to find the money to pay for all of that?
Well here’s an advice by Chris – make a loan!
Really? Make a loan?
This actually made me stop believing that these people still have a conscience.
3) Unethical use of your country of origin to lure you
Another sly tactic used by Chris is making you buy the program is the use of country of origin.
To do this, Chris basically used an IP address detection to find out where you are using your computer from and from there, is able to pinpoint not only the country that you live in but the city as well.
As seen from the picture, you can see how my city is placed on Google Maps.
If you’re from developed countries like the US, the UK or Canada, it may not have much of an effect on you but if you’re from less popular countries like Malaysia, Nigeria, Philippines or Vietnam this can look like a very promising opportunity.
We don’t usually have huge online opportunities such as this so when we see that western companies are targeting our cities, we will feel like “Oh, this is an opportunity of a lifetime!”
If you do try and read other iPAS 2 reviews on the internet, you can see many different nationalities being hyped up and ask whether they should join or not.
Personally, it is very sad for me to see innocent people be given false hopes just to be crushed in the end which is why I will never promote iPAS 2 to anyone.
Pricing Strategy
Don’t you just hate it when you get bombarded with hidden upsells after you JUST paid for a membership?
iPAS is one of those programs that doesn’t come straight when it comes to telling you the actual price so that they can get more money out of you.
Here’s a breakdown of how Chris plans his prices…
- 7-day trial – $7.
- One Time Offer (OTO) on traffic generation – $47 (But will become $27 when you try to click away).
- iPAS 2 Pro – $144.95
- Silver membership – $644.95
- Gold membership – $1,644.95
- All In Black Package– $4014.95
- Paid advertisement costs – at least $500 a month!
Chris mentioned that with $7 dollars, you will have everything you need.
Turns out he lied and the price costs more than 10 times that amount but what ticks me off is that he actually recommended you to take up a loan to pay for all of this.
A LOAN???????
Well that’s something to think about.
Tools and Training
iPAS 2 is divided into various membership packages and here’s a breakdown of what each of them contains:
1) Pro Package
- iPAS2 Success System
- Empower Network Viral Blogging System
- Empower Network Inner Circle
- Ability to Earn (minus merchant and processing fees) $100 + $25/month
- iPAS2 Mastery Coaching Course – iPAS PRO level Training
2) Silver Package
- Everything from Pro package
- Ability to Earn (minus merchant and processing fees) $100 + $25/month AND $500 (one time)
- iPAS Mastery Coaching Course – Silver level Training
- Live Training Webinars
- LIVE Phone Support & Online Chat Support
- 50% COMMISSIONS on iPAS2 trials, core offers, and upsells
3) Gold package
- Everything from Silver and Pro packages
- Ability to Earn (minus merchant and processing fees) $100 + $25/month, $500 (one time Costa Rica) AND $1,000 (one time 15K Formula)
- iPAS Mastery Coaching Course – Gold level Training
- 50% COMMISSIONS on iPAS2 trials, core offers, and upsells
4) All in Black Package
- Everything from all the other packages plus Empower Network Master’s Course
- Ability to Earn (minus merchant and processing fees) $100 + $25/month AND $500 (one time Costa Rica) AND $1,000 (one time 15K Formula) AND $3,000 (one time Master’s Course)
- iPAS Mastery Coaching Course – Black level Training
- “Front of line” LIVE Phone Support & Online Chat Support
- 70% COMMISSIONS on iPAS2 trials, core offers, and upsells
…And here are the tools that you’ll be getting within iPAS 2:
- Campaign tracking system
- Auto responder
- Landing page builder
- Sales funnel
Does it Have a Great Community?
Yes it does!
It is very rarely that I can agree on whether or not a community is good because I cannot stress enough the importance of having a proper community.
Here’ how iPAS 2’s Facebook community looks like…
Although there are only 2 posts for December which doesn’t make sense since there are over 14,000 members there, I would still say that the community is a great one because they are very interactive and that they do support any members regardless the background.
You might wonder as to why a community is important when it comes to Internet Marketing so here are some points to help you understand better:
- You need assurance that you’re not alone in your quest to make money on the internet.
- Having to know people who are in the same mission as you will motivate you even further.
- Not everyone is IT savvy and believe me, you WILL need someone to go to when you’re stuck.
- You can’t just rely on support tickets every time you need help because not only are they not honest, they take really long to reply you.
- A community can give you excellent feedback on your new products or ideas.
The Power of an Online Community
You can judge a program’s credibility by the online community that it has.
If a program doesn’t allow community interaction, then there is something fishy about it but if a program is based on an online community and has no problems with it, then that proves how powerful that program is.
When you see the amount of interaction within a program, that shows openness as well as the fact that the program has nothing to hide because think about it – how would you feel if the comment section as well as the live chat…isn’t very lively?
If you’re thinking of starting an online business, there is a program with a powerful community which I would highly recommend you joining and that is called Wealthy Affiliate.
Just like iPAS 2, Wealthy Affiliate is also a program which helps you make money online but instead, it is more focused on teaching you how to build your own website and monetizing it which is a more affordable and rewarding approach.
iPAS 2 has a good community, but only in Facebook because the interaction seems to be lacking in the member’s area.
Here’s what I mean…
As you can see, none of the members comment on those posts whereas in Facebook, there is plenty on interaction.
You might seem okay with that but why is there not at least 1 person commenting on the iPAS website when there are over 14,000 of its members on Facebook?
This is when a community differs professionally and casually because Facebook is always seen as the casual medium to relax and have casual talk with people, wouldn’t you agree?
Especially the fact that once you log into Facebook, you will undoubtedly spend LOADS of your time there without even thinking of work!
However when people gather at the member’s area community and communicate there, that means everyone is more focused on working, they focus more on…business.
Take a look at Wealthy Affiliate’s online community at their own member’s area…
As you can see, everyone is communicating with each other, they comment on everyone else’s questions and you can totally see that the questions are more based on work and not something like, “Hey guys, what are you up to today?”
See Wealthy Affiliate’s community for yourself with your $0 starter account here.
What I like most about any action is results and based Wealthy Affiliate’s lessons, I sometimes like to test out my abilities with a random member and here’s one those examples…
As you can see, I managed to make use of what I learned and get my website on the first page of Google although I did lose to Jay (Also a member) who managed to get on first position.
But the main point I wanted to show you is that having a community can boost your potential and results which is essential to any business that you do.
Here’s a quick comparison between these two programs to help you see better…
Features | Wealthy Affiliate | iPAS 2 |
Is it easy to get help? | ||
Private coaching available? | ||
Can you Contact the Owners? | ||
Is there a live chat? | ||
Is there step-by-step training? | ||
Are free websites included? | ||
Is web hosting included? | ||
Can you try for free? | ||
Is there a keyword research tool? | ||
Is there an affiliate program? | ||
Do I recommend this? | Yes | No |
My Overall Rating | 98/100 | 21/100 |
Although iPAS is only a tool that promotes Empower Network, I have to admit that you can in fact make money from it.
However because it only promotes Empower Network and not anything else, iPAS undoubtedly hinders it potential to go far which is why it is a SCAM and receives a rating of only 21 out of 100.
If you’re interested in starting your own online business instead of promoting Empower Network, I would advise you to check out my #1 recommended program here instead.
Thanks for reading, do share your thought and experience as I’d be happy to hear them out .
Your friend Riaz.
Thanks for the review on IPAS. I was also offered this opportunity and did some research. What I found turned me off completely. I was DM’d on my Twitter account by a couple I have never met before and got me to spend $7.00 to watch a 15-minute video on what the opportunity is all about. They threw out a lot of confusing facts and numbers (supposed income) you could earn with the opportunity. I had to watch it twice to have it make sense. I did initially sign up with the $7.00 Chris had promised it would cost. As I went further into the training videos, I saw a bunch of red flags. I was even assigned to a couple from Montana to be my “success coaches”. After just two days of reviewing the videos, i decided IPAS was not for me. I sent the couple an email (see below) explaining my reasons for not wanting to continue my “sucess journey” with IPAS:
Thanks for offering to be a coach for the iPAS program. However I have decided NOT to continue with the program and am going to cancel my account today. Below are the reasons for my decision. In spite of the wealth of information I received in the videos there are some things about the programs that I honestly CANNOT overlook: A. After viewing the videos describing the program it reminded me of some of the “pyramid” schemes that I have encountered over the last twenty years which always seems to have a common theme of “people benefitting off of the efforts of other people”. I am not saying IPAS is a scam because eventually scams come to an end when enough people find out about them. I did some research on the Internet about IPAS and have seem mostly positive reviews about it. I do get the system; it’s an internet program that helps people become successful internet marketers. However I am not seeing the value of this internet marketing strategy in my own life and I am not comfortable having to work for individuals I don’t personally know. These same people would be making money off of my efforts. Additionally In order for me to make any money I have to introduce people to the system as well. B. The initial investment, even the lowest tier, is just not a good investment for me. I understand with ANY new business opportunities there are always start-up costs. However, I don’t have access to those kind of financial resources and even if I did, it would be to invest in a business that I would eventually own. If I go into to business with someone else, it would be with at least someone I personally know. Also, with my busy schedule (i have two jobs), I don’t have a lot of spare time to devote to any new business venture. C. I realize there are NO guarantees in this life. A lot of what happens to you in sometimes beyond your control and there are many factors outside of one’s life that apply. From what I understand, I will have to pay a fee of $47.00 per month out of my own income whether I make any sales or not. Having said that I feel the odds are just too high to play against and I do not want the additional stresses of running a business or having to worry about if I will make money off the business or not every month.
I’m sorry you have to go through that and have your time wasted Joseph,
I totally agree with you on the pyramid scheme fact and costs. These programs are everywhere and they charge exorbitantly high prices for something that is not guaranteed. They offer several packages but purposely make the lowest package next to useless so that we’ll be tempted to buy the more expensive one all to funnel more money from us rather than actually helping the people make money first.
Hi Riaz,
Greetings! I would like to comment you for the good job done in reviewing iPAS 2 which is targeting desperately needy people in undeveloped countries. This article is an eye opener to people like me who are looking for opportunities to change their lives by establishing an online business.
On a nutshell, iPAS 2 may look genuine to an innocent person who doesn’t have enough knowledge on how to differentiate a scam from truth. I like the way you have provided a solution to this problem by introducing Wealthy Affiliate. I wonder what advice can you give to a person who has been traped in such MLM scams and has already paid the money but wants to escape from this trap? Is there a way of recovering the money back?
Hey pmbaluka,
There’s no way of getting back money from an MLM company, they will come up with the same excuse every time “You want the refund? You get people to join properly” What I did on my last month of MLM was that I stopped my credit billing and looked or as many people to join as I can before leaving for good and never looking back.
Everyone needs a good exit strategy before leaving something for good so you can leave all your anger, frustrations and disappointment there and start something anew with a good feeling. Who knows, you might even be remembered for doing so
Hey this was an interesting review.
IPAS seems to be a front end system that bolts on to an MLM company, in this case empower marketing.
I have no problem with MLM per se, it’s just another marketing distribution model which is legal but often attracts many unscrupulous characters who promise riches for very little work.
I think the IP address tactics are an example of what gives the industry a bad name.
Also, to promise that you’ll learn everything you will need for $7 is shocking.
Videos being 45 mins long isn’t a bad thing though.
I hate watching 5 min videos will no real actionable content , so i disagree with this point.
You post was very well-written, detailed and your integrity shines through.
Great stuff.
Appreciate the feedback man, thanks.
Sounds like just about every other modern day sales funnel into MLM that’s floating about at the moment – don’t let the initial low price of seven dollars catch you out. The upsells on these sorts of things are really tedious and catch so many people out. I hope this review gets its place online and stops people from signing up with the system.
Hey Chris,
Hidden upsells are what’s killing people and unfortunately for us, internet gurus love to make money this way with little regard on how the little people like us are feeling. People join a make money course in order to create income but in the end, the lose more money than they actually earn. Thanks for the feedback, hope you have a great Sunday!
Thanks for the information about IPAS. I had been originally considered this product and am glad and did a little bit of research first prior to purchasing. Those prices to promote their products once you become a member is outrageous and has now turned me off for good. I am looking to work at as an affiliate and this seems like to much to start with from the other research I have completed. Very helpful keep up the good work!
Thanks for your feedback Engen, its not an MLM scheme if they don’t overprice you for every single thing that you do. Glad you did not go along with the program, cheers!
It makes sense for IPAS 2 to direct all their attention to Empower Network… They have the same intensity and captivating showmanship approach… Birds of a feather flock together, kind of deal.
I cant imagine paying over $4,000 for one program that then leads me to a second program requiring an additional $5,000 to make any sort of money online.
Riaz thanks for this review, I enjoyed the read.
Hey Duane,
Thanks for your feedback, I think any normal people won’t be interested in paying that much money just so that they can be directed to Empower Network and pay more. The amount is huge and its definitely not doable for beginners or anyone for that matter. Glad you enjoyed the review!
I agree, I really don’t get it why you have to pay an affiliate fee at all. Most companies dont. It seems very common in the MLM industry. Any idea why? I am guessing they put it there because their product is lousy and the company need the affiliate fee to sustain it. My opinion anyway.
What I don’t like about IPAS is the fact that they are actually promoting Empower Network. Btw, do you know the people behind IPAS has found a new plaything… Traffic Authority?
Thanks for the review
Hey there Norman,
Good point you have there, I’m guessing its for that exact reason as to why they charge so high just for people to sell their products for them – People leave. Their training is very shallow, all they do is talk about motivation, and their membership is pricey. For other programs, you could literally sell their stuff for them without having to pay any membership costs at all. Traffic Authority eh? I have never heard of that but thanks for suggesting, Norman. Would definitely be writing a review on that program soon!
Dear Riaz
I to fell into their BS and spent $144.00 usd on what i thought was going to help me make money and i was to schedule a call with a coach that never called me ,cause i did not have enough money to get their packages upgrades. So please help me to find the members area so i may ask for a total refund before i lose my money please. You can call me at +1·308·883·2102 any time and or email me at . I am a single father of two that is disabled from a rare disease and i cant lose my money to a scam company . I need to find away to make money to care for my children now that i cant work. So please help me to find tje link to contact them to ask for my refund. Thank you for your informative video.
Sincerely Anthony Dilka
Hey there Anthony,
I understand what you’re going through as I also did not make any further payments on the packages they offer so like you, I was also restricted further access which was really unfair since $144 is a lot of money. But you still get access to the member’s area through as you have made payment already. You need only to contact support though and as long as you have your receipt, you’re good to go because that’s all they need from you to verify. Hope that helps and good luck!
Great review Riaz. As I can see from your review, IPAS 2 or maybe 3 tomorrow is just another poor product designed to empty your wallet. BTW, I’ve seen that guy on youtube recently. He was talking about amazing program he has to offer but I didn’t have time to find out exactly what it really was about. Since it’s all about promoting Empower Network I don’t think it needs any further explanation. Yes, it’s good that IPAS provides support, live chat, training, but if all they teach is recruit others and aggressively promote their program without teaching how to build a real business then I think for the most part it’s a waste of time. It has no future.
Hello again Rufat,
Empower Network is already a huge MLM scam so any other programs promoting it is only interested in scamming other people. iPAS2 does have a great community but the lessons are quite shallow as they touch mostly on motivation to keep you from leaving so its good to know many people realise that this is not a sustainable business model. Appreciate your feedback Rufat, hope to see you here again soon!
EEkkk! I’ve never heard of iPAS 2, but if it has any relation to Empower Network, then I’ll pass! I don’t understand how anybody that is struggling to pay their bills and decides to start an online business can afford to cough up all the money that this product requires. Like you said, an affiliate program should be free. Something that is really disconcerting about this iPAS 2 is the long tutorials. I despise them so I am definitely staying away,
Thanks for the warning,
Definitely right on that one Diana,
Anything related to Empower Network is a No-No as that is just a clever way for them to trick you into becoming their downline. Affiliate marketing should be free becasue since we are selling their products for them, why should we be charge exorbitantly high amounts of monthly fees when Clickbank and Amazon allow us to sell their products for free right?
You can definitely spot the MLM tactic through the long videos of iPAS2 because they spend more time on motivating you and building hype rather than sharing the tactics because the lessons are actually quite shallow. Thanks for dropping by Diana!
Not another company linked to Empower Network. Those guys are raking in the dough at the expense of poor people being scammed left and right. Thanks for the heads up. Those two guys in the videos just look shady anyway. It really disturbs me that they are using people’s locations to their advantage. I’ll definitely PASS on iPas 2, thank you very much.
“I’ll definitely pass on iPas2” lol catchy phrase Jess!
Unfortunately, there are a lot of programs linking to Empower Network besides iPAS2 such as the Instant Payday Network and Copy Paste Income and these programs are making a lot of money scamming people. I’m trying to review each and everyone one of them at once but they keep popping up really fast one after another. Its disappointing to know how far people can go for money but that’s the society we live in today. I guess as consumers, we need to stick together. Thanks for your feedback
What is this first image Riaz?…He’s wearing sunglasses on the head?…So cool…I trust him right away.
Redirection to Empower Network?…mmm..I think I will bypass that.Another underground funnel for that network?…I think because there had been many negative reviews on EN they created these secret funnel system.I have personally reviewed the Kalatu blogging system , which is another road to EN.
The $47 magically transformed to $27 when you exit?…Useless technique.Too many upsells like the most MLM.The thing that I hate mostly in these organisations is that they divide their training into different levels with different prices.If they were offering a decent training they would probably had more loyal members and more sales.This is turning to an advantage for them.
I wonder the All in black package of $4000 , is that a one time payment , or it is a monthly cost?
No , it is not for me , thank you so much for your comprehensive review and for breaking it down.Very nice video.
Hello again Tasos,
Lol that statement made me laugh! Its true that Empower Network’s image is falling done and many people are getting skeptical to join them so much so that even opted to sue people if they write bad reviews. I have seen many of my fellow bloggers being threatened by EN, this organization really needs to go down.
I’m not sure if you need to pay exactly $4,000 a month though, but I do know that the expensive monthlies still apply and I have no idea how people can afford this. If you want to help people make money, why charge that high of a cost with expensive monthlies right? Thanks for your feedback Tasos, glad you dropped by!
Indeed, “I pass.” Thank you for pointing out this clear-cut scam! No indication what you are being recruited to do; that’s a big red flag for me. Their initial price tag sounds so reasonable; so thanks for the alert about their plethora of upsells. On the other hand, I would appreciate a program which provided a campaign tracking system, auto responder, landing page builder, and sales funnel at a reasonable price, together with training and community support. Alas, iPAS 2 is clearly not it. Could you suggest a good place where I could find those tools?
Anytime David,
Selling a really cheap ticket to lure people into joining is a typical MLM trick but in reality after you joined, you can’t access anything because the actual price you need to pay is more than ten times the initial price which is a dirty way of making money in my opinion.
A lot of these network marketers try to defend their beloved MLM by saying things like “This is not an MLM, this is affiliate marketing” which may be true since we are selling other people’s products but there’s a thin line to going overboard. We call them MLM in the first place due to the very nature of the program – huge amounts of upsells, over-pricing for normal lessons, a pressure-based community who only think of sales.
Not the type of community you would want to be in but if you’re looking for a decent place where you can learn at your own pace with no upsells and great community with those essential tools to help you on your Online Business, I would recommend you to check out Wealthy Affiliate as currently, that is my #1 recommendation. Thanks for your feedback David, hope you have a great day!
Hi Riaz, I had never heard of iPAS 2 before today, but you have really given me a serious look into the drama of it. Obviously their instructional videos are not well put together. I think about some of the programs that I enjoy and find useful, and the instructional videos are a major part of knowing what to do.
Hello there Bea,
Videos are important in a course because that’s how you learn in the first place but unfortunately in iPAS2, you would need to pay more in order to unlock. Even the thought of it is enough to steer away customers but still, it might wok if the price is really low. iPAS2 on the otehr hand, charge you super expensive to unlock each membership which is it’s better if you look for a better course.
Hi Riaz,
I have never heard of ipas before but after reading your review about them, I am glad I have not come across this making money SCAM.
Unfortunately, I have been scammed by similar program MLM. They want you to make money from selling what they sell you which is not really that great especially if they are not good.
Your two product comparison is a great way to show for anyone thinking of working online with affiliate marketing. It is very obvious that Wealthy Affiliate is the best choice.
Hello Maria,
That’s how most MLMs make money – They sell overpriced stuff which are practically just normal products but overhyped and people buy them as a bait to become a member which is their real purpose. Thanks for your kind words, I like doing comparisons so that people can decide better and easier with facts and judging from your comment, I’m guessing its effective
Dear Riaz,
Wow, what a great Review on something I never heard of before. The IPasMillionaire online program. Good grief, I didn’t think it would be a Pyramid Scheme. I am so glad to hear you tried it out and told us your experience with what you discovered. It is pretty shocking to me to learn this is linked to Empower Network in some ways too. Oh, and I hate Upsells. I like paying for what I know is fair and not be bombarded by something useless just for the sake someone else benefits by earning the money from me buying a product that won’t help me!
And you are indeed right to mention that an online community supportive people team is important to help you weather the storm if ever you are lost with what to do with the online program. I simply can’t say thanks enough for all that Wealthy Affiliate does and offers. I was blown away by everyone’s hospitality and giving everyone a sense of belonging as we work together towards our path to online success.
Wishing you all the best with your online accomplishments above and beyond the horizon,
Hey Angel,
That sense of belonging is really important in an Online Business as you’ll never know when you need help. I agree, Wealthy Affiliate has a really good community as everyone is very friendly and welcoming. iPAS2 has a community too but everyone is so pushy and all they think about is selling and selling because if they couldn’t keep up, they would need to cancel their monthly membership which is extremely expensive.
I was in that kind of environment back when I first started and everyone keeps scolding people when they make mistakes. Why on earth should we be scolded if we are paying that much money every month to be a member? Bullying people just to make them work harder is not an example of a good community and if something like that happens in WA, we can even report to the owner to get the bully’s account banned.
I really love how friendly and helpful the people are at WA, i grow with everyone and from time-to-time, seniors and even the owner Kyle helps me out and give me a heads up. Its the only program I’ve stayed for over a year and I intent to stay here for a very long time.
Thanks for your wishes Angel, I wish you the bets of luck in your online journey too!
I honestly can’t believe people are still falling for pyramid schemes. I guess people just get better at disguising them. I sure wish they would put their time and money into something useful. Thanks for pointing out another scam for us. I appreciate it! I hate the hidden upsells and links people try and take you through to do this stuff. You really gotta watch your back and stay on top of this stuff.
Hey Titus,
I know right? Unfortunately, many people do especially people who are new to the whole Internet Marketing thing as they cannot tell whether its fake or not. I too was guilty of falling prey to scams such as this many times of over so much so that my parents are ashamed of me for that. But I cleared up my name by finally making money online the proper way which is by starting my own website and monetizing and that’s one of the reasons why I do reviews such as these – to help people avoid pitfalls and save their money. Thanks for dropping by man, good day to you!
Hi Riaz, what a great review of the IPAS 2 system. I was previously a member, but decided to cancel for pretty much all the reasons you’ve touch upon. I was totally drawn in by their sales pages, but after starting the $7 trial I felt like i was constantly spending money on the program and getting nothing in return. I did make some money, about $57 in 2 months, however i was not in profit, so in effect I lost A LOT of money through the program, and paid traffic. Not to mention the money spent on empower network products too. To me the whole thing is a giant mess, and I would not encourage anyone to be a part of them or empower network!
Thanks again for your review.
Hey there Stephanie,
I totally understand that how you feel. To me, it literally feels like paying a huge amount of money JUST to for you to be promoted more products and there’s no value in that. Their sales videos are very good and tempting too but sometimes it made me wonder if there’s actually more value in that sales pitch of theirs or the product that they are trying to promote because they know how to sell I can give them that, but they have no value in delivering expectations. Empower Network is growing so big that i’m seeing a lot of programs trying to indirectly sell it on their own courses. It saddens me to see how money blinded people can be sometimes, especially the creators of MLM programs and I’m actually glad you left IPAS 2 before you even bought their outrageously expensive packages. Again, thanks for sharing your feedback Stephanie, really appreciate you sharing your experiences
iPas look so cool and I’m seeing a lot of huge companies promoting it too but I never knew it is an MLM. Great review, Riaz, thank you for sticking your neck out for us.
No worries! MlMs have the tendency to affect other companies to join too as there are good money to be earned Toodly Woodly. I like your name
iPas 2 is one of the biggest new scams out there and it’s rising in popularity. I have seem so many programs trying to promote iPas2 INSIDE their program and now I know why. MLM!
Right you are, Regie. I’ve reviewed a couple of products myself which tries to syncronize iPas2 as they hope to make some money by selling more hype to their subscribers. In my opinion, this is a very unethical way of making money