Is WordPress Hard?

Random guy thinking about WordPress

Image by Aurélien aka ores

Thinking of creating a website? Use WordPress!

Almost everything we do today requires a nice website to be created.

Students at school requires a website for their projects, local businesses need a website to make it look professional and event companies create websites for almost every event that they do.

Trust me, besides this very website I am also handling KAMIRA Event Management and almost every event we do including a gala dinner, requires a website to be created.

But sadly, many people gave up hope on creating a website because they thought that maintaining it will be very hard.

If WordPress is hard, why are many companies using it?

companies involved with WordPress

WordPress has evolved tremendously today that anyone can create a website in mere minutes.

But don’t take that ease of use for granted because WordPress is designed to be really effective in search engines especially Google.

That is why many companies are using it, including these ones:

  1. CNN
  2. TechCrunch
  3. Major League Baseball
  4. NBC Sports


What WordPress really is

With over 15.5 billion WordPress pages being viewed every month, it’s no doubt very popular among various people all over the World.

WordPress is actually a content management system (CMS) which is more like a dashboard to help people from any level to create a website without any prior knowledge.

Why I’m saying this is because 10 years ago, websites are extremely hard to make because content management systems weren’t very popular as they are still in the making.

Because of that, whoever wanted a website would need to know coding which is the language of computers.

They consists of numbers which nobody would understand except for those people mastering the technology and software industry.

But with the technology today, websites are very easy to make.

Oh how I wished it would have appeared 10 years ago, my life would be soooo much easier!


How to install WordPress

If you’re interested in using WordPress, then you need to know that WordPress actually has 2 versions – and is made very easy to handle whereby all you need to do is start writing and leave all the technical stuff to the WordPress team.

If you want to see your statistics or anything related to you site, just ask them but be warned, will cost you dearly every month. on the other hand, is a free version on WordPress but without the technical stuff handled by the WordPress team.

It’s not that technical however because personally, a lot of people prefer the .org version due to its flexibility.

You can install anything you want on your WordPress site and you’ll have full control over it too.

To install, just head over to the main website here.

Installing on the other hand, is the tricky part because it cannot be found in any website like the .com version.

You need to do everything manually by getting a webhost and installing from that web host.

Sounds complicated?

It is.

So don’t worry about that because there is actually a program called Wealthy Affiliate that teaches you all these steps to get started for free.

There are many people there so if you are stuck during the installation process, you can always ask around so don’t be shy!



WordPress is a great CMS that can help you create a website in mere minutes and believe it or not, 41.7 million new posts are being created every month.

So do take this opportunity to create a website of your own and have a business running in no time at all!

For more information on mastering WordPress for business, check out my review of Wealthy Affiliate here.


Riaz 88kb


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