CB Passive Income is a Scam – How I Wasted 14,000 Clicks For Nothing

Product Name: CB Passive Income License ProgramCB PAssive income product cover

Website: www.cbpassiveincome.com

Type of Business: Affiliate Marketing

Price: $47 + Complicated upsells

Owners: Patric Chan

My rating: 0 out of 5 

[Update] By now in 2020, Patric would have released version 5.0 which is far different than his previous ones and it might be better than version 2.0 which this review is about.

I know how you feel about this program – “Really? Patric will do all the work?”

That, he does my friend.

However there are some strings attached to CB Passive Income which will make you wonder if this program is really worth your time or not.

It could be a good program, but there are better programs out there as well if you still have second thoughts.

I bought this program in 2014 but never thought of doing a review about it (Although I’ve made many reviews of other products) as there is not much to this program and you could literally finish the lessons in 1 or 2 days.

However after my brother came up to me and ask if this program is worth it or not, I quickly decided to write a review so I can show him (And all of my readers of course) just how big of a scam CB Passive Income really is.

If this program has got your attention enough to spark curiosity, then here’s my full review that you should read on to help you decide better.


Pros and Cons


  • You only pay a one-time fee for Patric to promote his services to your list (Pretty cool).
  • Lessons are straightforward and won’t waste much of your time (You could literally finish everything in one day).
  • The program has a pretty good conversion rate.
  • Great customer service – Patric has a reputation so he needs to preserve that.
  • 60-day money-back guarantee which gives you more than enough time to try the program out without any pressure of chasing after the time (Some products give only 7 day-trials)
  • The offer is quite attractive – A high-quality squeeze page is provided.


  • Very low conversion – This is perhaps the most important part of all because since all you need to do is to promote this program, how you earn money is by hoping that your referrals will buy. Still, what good will this program if it cannot convert?
  • Not passive at all – Since you need to constantly drive traffic and hope for it to convert, how do we know if we can make our business passive? Passive means that business will run even though you’re not working but this doesn’t seem to be the case.
  • A lot of complaints and negative reviews – Seriously, how good will this do for you if you are promoting CB Passive Income?
  • Still a bit pricey – Sure we know that Patric will promote his program for you but that is a bit pricey considering that you’re doing all the work to drive that traffic.
  • Upsells galore – That $47 is only for the license, after that you’ll be needing to pay more of the upsells and those are not optional which makes the matter worse. That explains why you will have…
  • No control of your list unless you pay for the upsell – What cutthroat business is Patric running? Upsells are supposed to be optional, not compulsory!
  • Shallow training – The lessons tell you what forms of traffic can you use but it is lacking in proper techniques of execution.
  • You cannot choose to promote anything else – Your landing page will be the same for everyone else and since it’s set that way, you can’t change or alter anything if you want to do some split-testing.
  • No community – Even at Facebook, there are NO interactions! Posts are outdated, there are no questions asked and there are no proper communities for you to mingle with!

Golly, that looks like a lot of cons! Better check out my #1 recommended program here instead!


What is CB Passive Income and How Does it Work?

Have you heard of Affiliate Marketing?

Long story short, Affiliate Marketing is the act of selling other people’s products in exchange for commissions.

And when it comes to selling other people’s products, you know that you will of course be leveraging that person’s hard-earned fame and reputation to make some sales.

CB Passive Income does exactly that, but with the addition that everything will be taken care of for you – All you need to do is drive traffic to the offer.

Still what good is driving traffic if it won’t convert much? (I will explain this later).

Created by a Malaysian Internet Marketer Patric Chan, CB Passive Income is an offer for you to promote as an affiliate.

You will be given a ready-made landing page (Which you cannot alter) and you are given one task – To promote and hope that people will buy your offer so you’ll get commissions.

If you’re wondering what does CB means in CB Passive Income, it actually stands for ClickBank which is a digital marketplace and that is where Patric Chan (founder) sells his products apart from the other platforms he stuffs his products to.

Here’s what Patric’s program covers…


Tools and Training

Useless training in CB Passive Income

Since CB Passive Income aims to do ‘everything’ for you, Patric does provide you with a few tools to help you drive traffic to “your” offer…

  • Free secret website – It’s actually a one-page squeeze page that you will be promoting.
  • Free email blast – You won’t have to email your subscribers as Patric will handle that for you.

And here are what the training covers…

  • Solo ads.
  • Video Marketing (Youtube).
  • Other traffic methods – Squidoo, guest blogging, press releases, viral reports, StumbleUpon and forum marketing.
  • How to get traffic with Google+, Twitter, classified ads and blog commenting.

If you’re wondering what solo ads are, they’re a form of paid traffic whereby you’d have to pay per click that you get and usually they’re in the form of emails.

It’s a huge market too as the regular price can usually go around $40 per 100 clicks as they’re quite pricey considering that we pay for premium email clicks that we won’t even know if they would convert into sales nor even subscribe to our email list.

Pro solo ad users have spent a long time and burnt their money on a lot of solo ad campaigns just to find the right conversion, content, and clickbait titles which they use on their emails but those are veterans and to even reach where they are right now would mean that more cash would need to be burnt for those solo ads to work for you which is something worth considering.


What I don’t like About CB Passive Income

I have been a member of CB Passive Income for several months now and there are a few things that I think everyone should know about this particular program…

Problem #1 – Low Rate of Conversion, 14,000 Clicks But No Sale? This is Odd.

14,000 clicks

Let me remind you that how you get money from CB Passive Income is through commissions that you’ll get when you promote this program.

But the question is, just how good is this program to get you those conversions you need?

If you look at my screenshot above, I have 14,537 raw clicks.

Raw click means the total amount of clicks I get, and out of those 14,537 let’s see how many decided to opt-in and become my referral…

159 referrals but no sales

As you can see, I have 159 referrals which are about 1.09% of conversion which isn’t very high and that’s already a huge flaw of CB Passive Income.

Now comes the question of the day – Just how many sales do I get from those 159 referrals?

ZERO! Nada!

Just imagine how heartbroken I was knowing that all those months spent trying to get money from CB Passive Income was nothing but a waste of time which is why I would never advise anyone on this program.

After finding out that I am not getting any sales at all even with a huge number of referrals, I decided to create a separate account and subscribed to see how Patric Chan lives up to his end of the bargain and promotes CB Passive Income or not.

To my surprise, I couldn’t believe my eyes when I found out that…

Problem #2 – Patric Was Lying to Your Face. He Doesn’t Really Promote CB Passive Income to Your Referrals!

emails from Patric Chan

If you’ve seen CB Passive Income’s sales page (or the video), Patric claims that he will do everything for you! (Hence the name CB Passive Income License Program).

At first look, you will have no idea what it meant until you actually joined the program.

After joining, you’ll find out that Patric’s claim of “Doing everything for you” is actually doing all the promo and email to the list of people you referred to.

This means that all you need to do is promote Patric’s sales page and try to get subscribers to join hence your referrals.

But does Patric really promote?

I have over 14,000 clicks but NO conversions which made me curious so I decided to see how Patric promotes CB Passive Income and to my surprise, Patric wasn’t living up to his end of the bargain!

Patric only sends roughly around 5-8 emails per month and in October, I even noticed that Patric only sent 2 emails!

What is even worse is that if you look at those email topics, some of them are not even related to CB Passive Income!

This shows that Patric is taking advantage of your hard-earned list of referrals to promote his other products hoping to get a chunk of that nugget and not sharing it with you since you only get a commission for CB Passive Income.

Seriously?? Ohhhhhhh Snap!

Problem #3 – You’ve Been Duped of Your Own Referrals.

As we know now that the idea of the CB Passive Income system is to promote your affiliate link, hope for people to become subscribers and let Patric do all the convincing (Which is not very effective).

However, have you ever thought of how are you saving your list of subscribers/ referrals in the first place?

In the Internet Marketing world, we have something called an Auto Responder which every Internet Marketer needs to have in order to save your list of subscribers.

We also have this term “Money is in the list” as with a list of subscribers, we can promote our products and get some sales from there.

Now let’s relate back to CB Passive Income, do you know where is your list of subscribers stored?

Now is the time you go AHA!

There you go my friend, now you know that you have been tricked of your own list of referrals because your list, is in Patric’s hands UNLESS you upgrade to CB Passive Income Pro which comes with your own Aweber.

Problem #4 – Patric’s Scheme of a Referral Empire.

CB Passive income Pro upgrade offer

Now comes the moment of truth, do you know why Patric is NOT adding the use of Aweber on the original $47 CB Passive Income instead of the $97 CB Passive Income Pro upsell?

That is because he knows that not many people especially beginners would want to pay that much because you have no idea why you need it.

By doing that, you can bet your sweet bippy that there will be hundreds if not thousands of people joining CB Passive Income and most of them would surely pay for $47 because that is already so expensive for many of us.

From there, all your hard-earned referrals will be saved at Patric’s autoresponder since you don’t have yours and even if you do have your own autoresponder, you can’t use it because Patric Chan wants you to use his.

Imagine how many subscribers would have been on Patric’s list by now, possibly close to a million!

Speaking of lists…

Problem #5 – No Control Over Your List.

Since Patric is the one who will be the one doing all the promotions, you won’t have any say on what message you want Patric to send at all… Unless you upgrade to CB Passive Income Pro.

Pretty sly of him, don’t you think?

By doing this, you are giving complete control for Patric to do anything he wants with your list and you wouldn’t even know if he’s keeping up to his end of the bargain or not!

And Patric wasn’t consistent at his job because in some months, he only sent 5 emails and there was even a month where I noticed that Patric only sent 2 emails.

If that is not a rip-off, I don’t know what is!

We PAY Patric to do the convincing for us but he’s not doing anything and you’re probably better off doing the whole thing yourself right?


Does it Have a Community?

CB PAssive income community

Barely, and this is a bother.

This program doesn’t provide an internal community so I looked for a community outside instead and what better way to find one than to go check out Facebook.

To my surprise, there aren’t any proper communities at all as there is only a business page where Patric promotes more fluff!

Imagine that, 1 year since CB Passive income was released and yet there are no communities where people can mingle!

Throughout my experiences, having a community is important in ensuring your success online, especially with CB Passive Income’s lack of in-depth training.

The lessons are so shallow that they are not going to work because it tells you what to do, but not how to do it.

For example, Patric tells us to do Solo ads because it’s effective.

But he didn’t tell you how to do it, where to find reliable sources so that you won’t waste time as well as how to minimize your risks.

Because of that, I spent $2,000+ on solo ads with no return!

What I didn’t know is that Solo ads cost a lot (Around $40 -$110 per 100 clicks!) and it had left me out of any little money I had left, completely broke.

However if you have a community, you can share with other users your findings which would definitely save you more time, reduce risks and find techniques to boost conversions.

And since you can’t rely on anyone for help, you are left with only the support tickets which are not always reliable as they are biased.

Want a Program With an Active Community Which You Could Learn and Get Help Easily? Find Out More Here!


The Pricing Strategy -Is it Worth the Cost?

I’m always intrigued as to how scammers plan out ways of how they suck money out of innocent people.

Almost everyone is aware of how people can get scammed on the internet and yet, Patric still applies this method which makes me amazed at how are there still many people who fall for this trickery.

Here’s a breakdown of how Patric implemented his prices…

  • CB Passive Income License – $47 one-time but has a $1 trial for 14 days.
  • CB Passive Income Pro – $97
  • Fast Cash Series – $47/month or $197/year

Honestly, I have no idea what CB Passive Income Pro does besides giving you the Aweber choice as I only paid $47 and had access to all the member’s area except for the Fast Cash series.

Patric said that going Pro can help you make money even more but does it really?

After going through a straight lie by finding out that his so-called done-for-you system being nothing more than a scam as Patric never even did much when promised he would promote for us, I don’t want to risk that.

I was filled with doubt that if he can lie about that, what else can he lie about?

I was this close to getting the Fash Cash series, luckily I managed to spot his scam before I managed to put another dollar into what may be just another lie by him.

Basically, the Fast Cash series is a complete waste of time and money in my opinion because you are basically paying for Patric to update you with more news on trending topics for Internet marketing.

You could actually do this yourself and just Google for updates to keep yourself updated to the latest news and by following other successful online entrepreneurs who share information for free such as Neil Patel, Pat Flyn, or Brian Dean.

I know it sounds cool but I believe that if you want people to pay more, you should give them more for the basic $47 that we paid for which is already expensive.


Do I recommend CB Passive income?

No, I don’t.

I guess you would have already known too, considering all those flaws that I’ve just exposed.

CB Passive Income uses a really sly trick of making money which is by using a one-page offer and hope that people will buy.

Sure, you can promote a landing page but you also need the main website to back up all your claims.

Who are you in the first place to sell someone something if nobody knows who you are?

People today are smart and they would certainly Google something out before they even decide to spend their money online.

If you wish to start out an Online Business, I suggest you check out Wealthy Affiliate.

It’s a platform that teaches you how to properly build a website the right way and monetize it through Affiliate Marketing.

The lessons provided there will help you do right with Google as they are very SEO-based and content-focused that you’d be able to rank any website within engines.

CB Passive income 2.0 on Google searchIf you’re reading this very, it’s proof that it’s ranking well on Google and you probably might have found my article there.

You can do it too.

Not only are the lessons regularly updated, you’ll also get features that will enhance your website even more that will make it on par with professional bloggers out there.

The most important thing that I really like about Wealthy Affiliate would probably be the warm community there itself.

There are many successful bloggers from different niches that have helped me get back up in the online world when I was down and broke and because of their support, I managed to get back up and grow my website to an extent where I can start monetizing on my own.

It’s a great community and platform to start especially in Affiliate Marketing and it’s currently my top-rated program thus far which I highly recommend you to check out since starting itself is free with no time constraints to pressure you.

Here’s a quick overview of these two programs to help give you a clearer picture…

Wealthy Affiliate vs CB Passive Income
FeaturesCB Passive Income
Is it easy to get help?
Private coaching available?
Can you Contact the Owners?
Is there a live chat?
Is there step-by-step training?
Are free websites included?
Is web hosting included?
Do they offer a domain platform?
Can you try for free?
Is there a keyword research tool?
Is there an affiliate program?
Do I recommend this?No
My Overall Rating0/5



Final Word

I actually liked the concept of having everything done for you but for such a huge claim, there must be a huge solution, don’t you think?

However due to the very shallow training, the unethical upsells galore, as well as the fact that you will have NO control over your hard-earned list unless you pay more, I find CB Passive Income a SCAM and I’m rating it 0 out of 5.

If you’re interested in a more legitimate way to start a viable business stream in 2015, check out my #1 recommended program here instead.

Thanks for reading, do share any thoughts you may have below as I’ll be more than happy to reply.

Riaz Shah


119 comments to “CB Passive Income is a Scam – How I Wasted 14,000 Clicks For Nothing”
  1. All-done-for-you system is not for me! I like little control in what I am doing. my question is who would want to join a program when there is no physical product or no chance of growing your own business. 

    I’m not quite sure whether it will work with that many bad reviews all over the internet. I am staying far away from CB passive Income. Than you for the review.

  2. First time I hear about CB Passive Income. I honestly think this platform is a little complicated for me and I’m not sure how much I would be able to cash in on my time spent on it. The only good thing is that you can get a refund if you think this is not for you. Thank you for sharing this useful information with us. For the money you need to invest through this platform I think you have much better options to do so.

  3. It’s better you don’t buy cb passive Income. Patric Chan makes a bunch of promises and under delivers on all of them, very similarly to another serial product publisher, Ewen Chia. You’ll spend more time and money than you can imagine trying to get this broken product to work, and new internet marketers all across the internet are failing after falling for Patric’s promises. CB passive is a scam and is not legit.

  4. I am not a fan of all done for your type of affiliate marketing business. You do not own anything and you do not have the power to change, refuse, or scale your business as you would like. If you want to do the there is an upsell that may or not meet your goals.

    I think they should have created something that will help people, understand what is affiliate marketing and how they could benefit from it according to their means and goal.

    • Agreed Adyns, Done-For-You systems are risky since they can just blatantly lie on your face and not even do what they promised. Instead, these programs should at least be upfront like how many emails are they going to send, the feedback, and also give us but scam gurus will never reveal that.

  5. Hello and thank you for the VERY thorough review. I was checking out CB Passive income today. You may not know this, but their website is actually has you on it.
    He of course is saying that their brand is so good that others are using it to steal traffic.
    He also bad mouths you and of course he defends himself by lashing out and trying to make you look like you didn’t know what you were doing.
    when I saw this, it made me sick.
    I research any and all programs before I join them as I don’t waste my money on BullShit.
    Knowing that others create reviews is what helps us to steer clear from scams, which is what CB Passive income sounds like.
    Why would I join a company/program that it’s only objective is to promote a product that serves no purpose other than to get others to promote it as well? It isn’t like it is a physical product or that it is helping you to set up YOUR own business or product.
    Therefore, what would be the point? This reminds me of MOBE in a way. I rejected that offer as well.
    I had always hear that ClickBank was a great program, but to beware that they had some faulty programs. This just goes to show, that what I had heard is absolutely correct.
    Thank you again for sharing such a detailed review and for having the proof to show us.

    • Hey Lee,
      Really, they have me on which part? I really have to join in again and see what advancements Patric has since the previous version 🙂

      I’m not surprised though, other internet gurus hate me for exposing the truth. I once did a member’s area walkthrough on Ewen Chia’s scam and I showed that all his so-called bonuses are actually hidden upsells that you need to pay in order to move forward and he quickly striked my video down so I couldn’t show it anymore.

      And not just Ewen, others too even MOBE, they’re famous for their cyberbullying tactics so it’s a great thing you avoided it. Thanks for kind words Lee, I try my best to expose scammers by showing proof, screenshots and videos so that others would not fall into the same pitfalls as me. Hope you have a great day!

    • I think you missunderstood the concept of passive income in your review. Quote: “NOT passive at all! –” – Im not sure what you are referring to. Yes, you must drive traffic just like to any other business. But all emails sent to the list will have your afff links integrated so basically he is promoting programs to the list on your behaf, thats is how the passive works.

      What do you mean with “Complicated Upsells”? All you have to do is pay once, become pro and integrate your own autoresponder, to build your list further…

      There are more upsells too, but no one is forcing you to pay them and you still get paid and your own leads buy them. (this should be a plus plus for you)

      Compensation is simple, effective and it works better than a lof of BS out there.

      So I spoke my mind 🙂

      • Bruno,
        Of course, he claims that he will do all of the promotion for you for a fee but if all you get is 3-4 promotions a month and for a few months you’ve been paying for his service and not getting any income at all without a single sale, that’s not passive income. That’s a passive lost.

        As for the hidden upsells, nobody likes them regardless of what type it is. Not everyone has extra cash to burn so when they do join programs like this, our savings are just enough to sustain us for the promoted price. If those upsells were mentioned before we purchased it though, that’s okay as we can prepare extra to reap the full benefit of the program, we won’t mind spending that much too. If it’s hidden and we’re bombarded with the hidden upsells after we joined it, that’s not okay. Hope this helps clear the air.

  6. Hello Riaz, From the very start, I know you’re a WA affiliate.

    As usual, many will do this on purpose. NOt a bad idea though but you gave rating 67/100 so I consider still pretty close to call it as a good product to try. Isn’t it.

    What do you think!

  7. Hi all. They are STILL promoting this now in 2018. I was going thru a DIY funnel and one of the offers inside the funnels for cb passive income.

    I tried this out when it first came out and had nothing but questions and problems. There were internal problems. Patrick eventually stopped responding back to my emails.

    So not only did it not work for me, I eventually got no support at all. Buy at own risk. I also noticed that he “upgraded the sales page…same crap folks.

  8. I was searching for reviews on a different passive income system that I recently came across.

    Now I’m seeing all this bad stuff about CB and wondering if people will get the same impression about the other one… but even so, the feedback on CB is good to read about so that I can make sure that never happens in my business. 🙂

  9. Damn! I’m so sorry to hear about this man. It really sucks because it puts so much skepticism on real opportunities. I checked it out and it’s honestly a good system. So it’s really disheartening to see people getting scammed by fake systems. also i always use ClickMagick to track my clicks to make sure im not getting shafted. I always recommend this to every online entrepreneur.

    thanks for sharing your story ?

    • To each her own I guess, Amanda. I’ve heard of ClickMagick but I don’t think it helps much if CB Passive itself is the problem. Besides, I’ve heard they have newer versions than the ones I’ve tried as this is an old review. Perhaps those later versions can do better? 🙂

  10. THANKS Riaz for such a valuable piece of information. After reading about this CBpassive income , I was about to sign up but fortunately I ended up checking reviews first. You saved a lot of my time. My instincts were already telling this(CB) being not a very reliable platform…..

    • No worries Joncy, glad i was able to steer you away from this scam. Better save up your money for better things than spending all of it on CB like I did. Have a great Sunday!

    • Understood bro, samalah kita I was tipah tertipu also. But one thing good about it is that you have a basic knowledge of how Online Business works for affiliate marketing and there are several great choices for you to start right on my list of legitimate programs here.

  11. Hi,

    Thanks for the great article. I am running a small blog which is related to The CB Passive Income. I’ll definitely share your article with my subscribers.

  12. Looking forward to more positive reviews about Internet Marketing Scammers and how to avoid being a victim of their prolific lies !

  13. you basically spend ur hard earned dollars and build ur list but not knowing ur building a database for him too. To make money you recruit people then the people that join have to recruit other people for them to make money…..like a never ending PRYMAID

  14. I actually just signed up for CB passive income on clickbank today. I was searching for good products to promote and it does have a high gravity rating. I watched the Video and it was quite laughable.

    As with any membership I promote or review, I had to join to see how it works. The stuff this guy claims is just plain funny. Now, some of his techniques might actually work, I’m not really sure yet. But it sure does sound too good to be true.

    In the end I really only signed up for 2 reasons.
    1) so I can review it and possibly promote it
    2) to build my email list. Yep I paid the extra $97(one time charge) for the lifetime of Pro version so I can automatically import my list into my auto responded. It’s well worth it to me since he’s giving me free stuff to promote to build my list.

    After all I do have a 60 day guarantee and Clickbank is great at refunding your money if you aren’t happy.

    Most likely the only real value here, if any at all, is to help you build your list.

    Anyway all that being said, I am a Wealthy Affiliate member and I learned everything I know about Affiliate marketing and building websites from them. I can honestly say, it is an amazing one of a kind program. Its obviously working for you. You have a good site and are ranked in one of the top positions when searching for CB passive income. Thanks for the review. I’ll let you know how my experience with CB PI goes.

    • Hey Bill,
      Awesome to hear about how you utilise that, quite an ingenious plan I must say. I was thinking of the old fashioned way – which is to slowly build my list with content but it’s taking a long time although fruitful. Thanks for sharing your feedback, really appreciate it and hope to see you here again soon!

  15. For what it’s worth, currently in the back office Patric has now made it possible to have full access to the list of prospects. However a separate autoresponder is needed for taking advantage of that list.

    The PRO upgrade includes the autoresponder, plus 106 swipe filres and once the campaign has been added to the autoresponder any conversions go directly into the campaign.

    This is as of today, so sounds like maybe he has learned and improved the system. Luis may be some evidence of that. We’ll see as I’m literally just getting into it.

  16. Hello i am cb passive income and the seller is, and this program what you are promoting, it is scam 90% 2 scamers Canada have money and no money back clickbank pasive income has 60 days to return the money, 2 cb passive you do not need is authorisponder etc Wealthy afff you have only 500 idea one year memberszip plus autorisponder about 1000 dollars you need to pay for scam he he PS it not true …PS A Simple System How To Add 100 to 200 Targeted Subscribers Into Your Mailing List Every Day”

    • Rugerro,
      You need to try a program first, give proof then only say whether its a scam or not. And no, WA’s membership doesn’t cost $500, it costs just about the same as CB Passive income and and when you reach a thousand dollars, that is your own money because it’s based on Amazon since they will teach you to become an Amazon Affiliate. If you didn’t know, Amazon is a big brand and they always pay. Lastly, what on earth is a PS?

  17. Hi man. great work with the review. This system made me some sales for 2016. I’m sorry to hear that you had such a bad experience with it.

    I checked if it puts my affiliate link into the email promotions and it does.

    You can export your leads into a CSV Excel file if you need them and import into your Aweber account.

    Of course, you don’t get sales if you just send traffic to the landing page.

    I didn’t do solo ads or facebook ads to advertise my pages, instead, I created a blog around the landing page and I offer free services to the people that are joining through my affiliate link.

    That is how I got sales. For me every subscriber matters.

    But it remains a scam for those who are not willing to do the guiding for their leads and they sitting and waiting.

  18. I have to say I think you wrote a very good review. I bought CB Passive Income a couple of years ago. I have been in the business for around 10 years, and I didn’t need CB Passive Income as I already had been building my own list for quite some time and doing pretty well with it.

    I bought the product solely to test it out and see if I could get it to work and if it would accomplish what it says it will.

    When I purchased, the only thing you could give away was the one free ebook, and you had a choice of just 2 squeeze pages. To make a long story short, I worked the system and sent some good traffic to my squeeze pages. I did make sales, but it certainly wouldn’t have been enough to build a good full-time income from. One of the downsides with it is that you are building another person’s list for them. I bought the upsell, but never ended up using it because it was a co-reg type thing. People basically got signed up to 2 lists at once, and they were not made aware of that. That’s what bothered me. I would think your spam complaints might go up if you start sending people emails and they don’t remember ever signing up to your list. I decided not to use the upsell, which basically just allows you to add new subscribers to your own list as well as Patric’s.

    Like I said, it converted. The only traffic I used was tier 1 solo ad traffic, which is really good traffic for the “make money online” niche. I know some good sellers that send me really good traffic. The squeeze page converted around 35% I believe, which is not too bad, but the product itself did not convert well.

    I did see clicks coming in from other Clickbank products that I was not promoting, so I guess he does promote your affiliate link for you, however,a sale from any other product besides CB Passive Income was very rare. I made a couple of sales from one of his other products, but each time the commission was only around $9, so it really wasn’t worth it.

    I wrote a review about this on my blog, and it’s a good one, because I did make 2 sales almost right away and so I thought that this was going to be a really good money maker, but after the first two sales I didn’t get another one for about 10 days.

    The whole reason that I gave the program a go in the first place was to test it and see if it would be a good fit to help my subscribers. I didn’t end up promoting it to them in the end. It just wasn’t good enough for me in the end. After I added in the cost of the traffic I bought, I ended up making around $10 profit. It just wasn’t really worth it.

    The best thing to do is set up your own squeeze pages and build your own list. Make your own funnel and send all of your traffic to it and try to get as many subscribers as you can, and then build up some trust with your subscribers and you can sell directly to them and also get repeat customers.

    • Thanks for the detailed feedback Chris, glad to know that it worked for you. It doesn’t just work for everyone and if you take the wrong step, you’d end up spending a lot of money on those solo ads which are super expensive. I’ve tried different providers, I’ve joined safe sites, and even switched email lists but still not a single sale which is why I cannot recommend this program and for those who would want to pursue, it will be at their own risk.

  19. Hey Riaz, I’m so glad that you are promoting wealthy affilliate. I’ve heard good things about it but reading your progress makes me confident to join already. Can you help me get started?

  20. sir i would like to join in wealthy affiliate but i am living in india there is no free membership for me
    there is any opportunity for me to use as a trial product

    • I’m sorry K. Muthu, there is no trial for Wealthy Affiliate in India. You need to join the paid version but you can try talking to the support team and tell your story to try get the starter account to show that you’re serious.

  21. Same thing happened to me, I followed all instructions and wasted almost $600 on various ads but no sale. I guess it just doesn’t convert as much.

  22. Hey Riaz. I have read your review on the cbpassiveincome and i myself was not sure about this program at first but back when i first started internet marketing i wasnt sure about anything.. i joined the cbpi3.0 and i have to say it has performed quite well for me. i have 54 sells in the month time i was a member with only 4,000 clicks. i do not know how the old version performed but from your review i can tell it was not very good.. i am currently still promoting cbpassiveincome3.0 and i couldnt ask for anything other than my own list (autoresponder). i hope you have checked out the update of cbpi3.0 i look forward to your updated review. thank you for your review and i do agree with you 100% on wealth affiliate it is a great program to start your own internet marketing business but if your an affiliate i suggest trying cbpi3.0 simply because it is the #1 product on clickbank.com.. hope this helps others understand that cbpi does convert and is a passive income for me and my family. thanks again

  23. Hi Riaz,

    It was really a simple and easy to read article on exposing one of the biggest fraud in the internet world.
    What about the some of the internet marketers in Singapore that you know of might be fraud as well? If there is please kindly share it with us.

    • Hey Darth,
      There are a lot actually but many of them hide behind western aliases as they do not want their names to be revealed. Will definitely get on researching my friend, thanks for the suggestion. I’ll let you know once I’ve written a post about it 🙂

  24. I was thinking about buying this system so glad I didn’t. I believe Instant Payday Network is a great program especially for newbies. thank god for the reviews about this program. really thanks bro. God bless

  25. Lol, funny thing is I met PAtrick when he was visiting Singapore. I thought he was cool and so I try my hand to promote his stuff when I was newbie but I cannot believe how bad this product is. To frank, I have not even use the product yet !

    • I too have met him Arthur, in Malaysia on one of his seminars. He is very good with words and as a newbie, it looks amazing what he does. But after some time inside, you’ll realise the flaws and you would regret ever joining too.

  26. Thanks for your review Riaz. I have just spent a bit of time watching the Patric Chan sales video after following a link on Instagram.

    I must admit he’s very good at the sales pitch but for me when something sounds too good to be true it often is!

    Knowing you are a fellow WA member makes your review even better for me, as you have learnt how to create your own business with the best training out there.

    Unfortunately, Patric Chan offer appeals to the ‘Get Rich Quick’ or ‘Make Money Without Working’ crowd and this is really just a dream, not a reality.

    • Hello Jules, you are completely right on Patric Chan’s motives. People can be bought with money and as fishy as the program sounds, people will no doubt go for it because they have this mindset that “I better give it a shot”. In the end, they lose everything. Its amazing how powerful some good marketing can get you, wouldn’t you agree?

  27. hi , my name is mahendra. i am new to internet marketing, but i am intrested, how can i earn, what to do, and how much i can earn per month

  28. i love your site Riaz, its well constructed and i can see you have put alot of work on this so keep going. please put more reviews, for exemple: clickbank university, Niche profit full control and many other products out there. I hope you will succeed on your site because it looks fantastic and the content is great.

  29. Hi Riaz, you are talking highly of Wealthy Affiliate, it is another scam my dear friend, I spent $350,00 on the program and could not get my money back when I wanted to opt-out of the yearly dues. Those two Canadian scammers are real con artists. You can’t communicate with other affiliates and give your phone number of promote your website on their site, so how good is such a service.

    • On the contary Antoine,
      I’ve been a member for almost 2 years now and all of those which you said are wrong. The program doesn’t cost $350,000, it only costs $359 if you go yearly and of course, there is no such thing as a refund for yearlies. Kyle and Carson are actually the ones who helped me build this very website, without them you wouldn’t have been able to even read anything on my website. I had zero knowledge on how the internet works but now I have a fully-functional blog which I myself is controlling and its all thanks to the lessons and training at WA. Even my webhosting and keyword research analysis is done there not to mention the domain itself and those other affiliates, well they are the ones who helped me out. Not all of them are affiliates mind you, because here at WA you are taught to start your own business, or promote others so there are various walks of life here.

      This is not the only site I created, I am also using the knowledge I learned at WA to create a website of my own for my local startup here in Malaysia, kamiraevents.com. I assure you, if you’ve tried WA, then you would know exactly what I mean and I’ll be there every step of the way to guide you as well. Cheers!

  30. Hi Riaz, I get pretty decent conversion promoting CB Passive Income.

    My method is not using Patric’s default squeeze pages but set up my own. After a visitor opting in, Patric’s sales page will show up as if it is my thank you page and usually, I get a sale from every 50 sign ups here.

    I also use his squeeze pages as an exit redirect of my squeeze page.

    Hope this helps.

  31. Hey Riaz
    I have tried so many online businesses hoping to find at least one that will work for me instead of taking my money.I bought into the CB passive income jaz hoping this would be my ticket to starting a real business.Boy was i wrong. Everything you said in this video was right.And when I request assisstant I was givin the run around.And now I’m out of 97dollars.Is there an online buisnes out there that I can trust?

    • Hey there Frederick, I can totally relate to how you’re feeling. I joined CB Passive income and spent all those money not making a single cent in return. I actually have a list of legitimate Online Business programs you can try here but Wealthy Affiliate remains my number one recommendation if you’d like to check it out.

  32. ello there! This blog post couldn’t be wrtetin any better! Going through this post reminds me of my previous roommate! He always kept talking about this. I am going to send this article to him. Pretty sure he’s going to have a great read. Many thanks for sharing!

    • Ello Nelly! That’s great news, I hope my review can give him a clearer idea on how the odds are stacked if he joins the program. I have a couple of friends who are asking me the same thing so I wrote this review to give them proof that if it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is.

  33. I made decent conversions on CB Passive income from junk traffic I bought on Fiverr. It has a much higher conversion for internet marketing newbies looking for done for you solutions. I would never send premium traffic unless it was highly targeted first.

    • It is easier to say than to show Gordie, perhaps you do make more sales but I’m just being transparent and showing proof that I’ve put in a lot of effort and money while not getting the results I expected. A lot of people are getting scammed these days and you cannot be too sure. Congrats on your sales and thanks for the good feedback, hope you have a good day!

  34. Hello Riaz,
    I just finished reading your review. At the beginning of July I have bought the CB Passive Income 3.0 when I fist started in the internet business.
    I have to say the conversion rate is low and I have not made any sales, which is disappointing.
    I used solo ads to drive traffic as well so it’s costed a money and overall the program is not good and doesn’t offer control as well as a decent membership cancelling.

    Thanks for the review, very clear and to the point.

    • Hey there Anh,
      I haven’t checked out the 3.0 version of CB Passive Income yet, I’m glad that you decided to share your experience with us! I kinda expected that of the program since the previous versions weren’t doing very well either and a lot of people ended up wasting a lot of money on ads but not making a single cent out of it. Happy to hear that you find my review helpful, thanks for dropping by!

  35. Hi Riaz I bought the new version of this program and its doing a good job. I have been getting decent conversions and sales including some recurrent sales. The old version offered an ebook with affiliate links on them the new version offers a more stuff.

    I have been noticing clickbank hops from offer I am not promoting so at the moment the program is converting decently. I am currently using the new stuff and not the old ebook offering since I know that most of the people download ebooks and never opening them. Just my 2 cents.

    Have a good day.


    • Hey there Luis,
      Thanks for the update, I just noticed that Patric Chan has actually updated CB Passive Income and it looks way different than last year. And yes, eBooks are nice to download and skim through especially when there are nice visuals but when there are too many words it kinda feels like its a workout just to read through the plain old text. The previous CB Passive Income didn’t have as high a conversion as many of us would have expected so I’ll sure to check out the new version soon. Thanks for dropping by, really appreciate that!

    • Hi Luis,

      What traffic source have you been using for CBPassiveIncome? Like many others, I have been sending solo ad traffic and have 200+ opt-ins but no sales :o(

      Any help or advice greatly appreciated!

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