How do I Make a Website for My Business?

With billions of people surfing the internet every day, which entrepreneur wouldn’t want to put up their business online?

Competition is tighter than always today and if you don’t make use of necessary opportunities like establishing your presence online, you are going to lose a whole chunk of potential customers to your competitors.

So before we start building a website, let’s first get a gist of…

Why have an online business?

A lot of people want to start their own online businesses but somehow, they don’t have the push they need strong enough to get them moving.

Well here’s some great reasons as to why every entrepreneur needs a website:

  • Very cheap investment (It would take less than $10 a month if you do it yourself!).
  • Huge traffic source (Billions of people are using the internet every day).
  • It gives the impression that your business is more established as you now have an online presence.
  • Shows your commitment in business because you took the initiative.
  • Greater reach of people when doing marketing campaigns or for any reasons whatsoever.
  • Shows how updated you are with your business.

Creating a website in less than 30 minutes

The biggest obstacle a lot of us face is the perception that building a website is hard.

I have a lot of people telling me that they want to build one, but they just don’t know how to create anything online.

If that’s you, than you are on the right page.

Building a website today has never been easier because you can actually create one within half an hour or less!

And about the costs, you can either choose to build yours for free or you can pay for the web hosting and the extra services.

My advice, is to start building your own website for free FIRST to learn and once you’re happy with your site, only then should you think about using paid choices.

Here’s a video showing you how to build your website within 30 minutes:

how to build a website within 30 minutes

Just so you know, the type of Content Management System (CMS) that you will be utilizing from that video is WordPress which is by far the mostly used CMS in the World so worry not, you are on the right track!

Be the first to get updated – Join an online business community

The thing about building your own website is that you have to keep yourself updated on the online business world so that you can alter your website to prepare it for whenever Google starts applying changes and updates.

So what better way to boost your online business than to join an online business community?

The best community that I would recommend you to join is Wealthy Affiliate because it is a platform by itself and has over 50,000 members all sharing the same goal – to boost their website so that they can do business better.

You can either join those Facebook groups or Google Hangouts but I wouldn’t really advise on it because they’re not too serious about it, they rarely update with each other and there’s just too many promotions rather than anyone sharing anything useful.

Having websites, we need to learn and tweak it from time to time so that your website will appear within Google search and you would want that because people can then find you easily.

What better way to get ahead of your competitors, eh?



Building a website is easier than it was 10 years ago because you can build now in a matter of minutes compared to last time when it literally took me about a week to get a simple site done.

So don’t be afraid to try building one yourself because once you get your hands dirty, you will never want to spend thousands of dollars paying someone else to do your job for you!

For more information on building your own online business, check out my #1 recommended program here.


Riaz 88kb


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