How Green Arrow inspired me to be a white knight Have you ever felt inspired by watching any superhero films? There are many awesome superhero movies today that inspire...
We’re running out of time Yesterday while shopping groceries for my mom, I kinda lost track of time. I ended up going back home...
Sometimes you’re better off not taking that candy I was reading blogs online and I suddenly stumbled upon this peculiar guy’s site. He was slamming on internet...
My baby brother’s first day at school My younger brother is finally in Cardiff, UK now pursuing his dreams of studying Medicine. Seeing everyone achieving their...
Why You Should Trust Your Instincts Instincts are our natural feeling towards something. But lately, we humans have learned to ignore it due to certain...
talent vs. hard work Aren’t you just jealous of those people with talent? I know I am. Especially if they’re wasting them away...
My First Post! Well Hello World! This is my first ever post on this blog and this marks the beginning of my...