What a Press Release is All About

An old newspaper
If you’re planning to have or already having a website, then you should be hearing about Press Releases over and over again.

So what is a Press Release then?

According to the Small Business Encyclopedia, a Press Release is a “brief, printed statements that outline the major facts of a news story in journalistic style”.

Still not clear on what it’s all about?

Picture this.

You want to start a company and let’s say it’s… a newspaper company.

You start to Google online “How to start a newspaper company” and not getting much at that.

So you decided to plan on your own.

After planning the direction of your business, one thing is left to remain.

Where do you get information?

And you suddenly realize that newspaper companies like The New Straits Times ALWAYS have info.

They post EVERY SINGLE DAY and in huge numbers.

Then comes the question of the day, “How do I get that much info?”

And voilà!

You found out that even newspaper companies get their info from someplace else too which means not all their articles are of their own making.

You see, newspaper companies BUY information from providers. This is typical in the business world, we NEED to get involved with other people in order to survive.

So if you write your own Press Release, you need to submit it to the content provider and if you’re lucky, your Press Release will be chosen to appear in The New Straits Times.

So what happens if your Press Release do not get picked?

Don’t panic because you are not losing anything. Millions of people are looking for articles EVERY DAY in Press Release site or simply reading for fun so there WILL be a certain percentage who will click on your link giving you visibility.

Are Press Releases dying?

Many have asked me this question and my answer is of course not! A lot of businesses depend on Press Release companies and I expect them to continue doing so for at least a decade.

Where should I submit my Press Release?

There are several Press Release companies but the 2 popular ones for internet marketing and websites are PRLOG and PR.com.

For more information on how to get more traffic going to your website, check out my review of Wealthy Affiliate here.


Riaz Shah

Riaz 88kb


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