Image by Francisco Osorio
Living life is an expensive hobby and no matter what job you work as, you will never have enough money.
Everyone needs an extra income but not everyone has the time to work or money to spend on investments which leaves you with only one choice of earning income… The Internet!
Why Should You Make Money From The Internet?
Okay this is a pretty boring and straightforward question but you’d be amazed at these facts.
Believe it or not, the internet has grown so powerful and useful today that you can find and do almost anything just from a click of a button.
Here are some cool benefits that will blow you away:
- Flexible timing – You will have more time to yourself.
- NO experience or interviews needed – You are your own boss!
- Save money – You can literally start earning online for free!
- No dress codes – You can work at home in your pajamas for all I care! Or shall I say, for all YOU care!
- You decide your own salary – How much you earn depends on how much effort you want to put in.
- Long-term income – Especially when you’re doing an online business, your money will never stop pouring in!
What is the Best Way to Start Making Money Online?
By having your own online business of course!
Sure there are many ways to earn money online but those methods are not as rewarding as having your own online business.
You can do freelance work online at eLance or Fiverr, or you could even do surveys and get money but those methods do not have potential growth.
Meaning that if you stop doing those, you WON’T get any income.
However if you do your own online business, it will continue to grow and make money in the long run, even when you do not have to care of it any longer.
Steps to Starting Your Own Online Business
Building your own online business may be a bit troublesome to start with as you may need to spend some time preparing but as Abraham Lincoln would say, “Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.”
I hope you’re hyped up because here’s 5 steps to take when starting your own online business:
1) Choose a niche, any niche
Like any other business, ask yourself the same question, what business are you planning to do?
We are going to make a website and make money from it so you don’t need to think deep and hard, just the thought of it is enough.
Here’s a tip – Pick something of your interest.
Do you like to cook? Or exercise? How about cooking food to help you exercise?
Regardless, any niche is okay because the internet has endless amounts of users which will be your potential customers.
Have a niche already?
Great! Now you’re ready to…
2) Choose a domain of your liking
A domain is just a fancy name for a website name.
Since we are going to build a website, we need a website name don’t we?
Here’s a tip, DON’T use very long names because you want people to remember your website easier.
Another thing to bear in mind is to NOT use dash symbols.
Here’s an example…
- Cooking-With-Me – NO
- Cookingwithme – YES
Now that you have a website in your head, we are going to try use SiteRubix to see if that name is taken or not.
Type it in here…
If you’re wondering, there are various free website platforms like Weebly and Webs but I recommend Site Rubix because I find it better in terms of performance.
They have a team which monitors your website’s speed and health which is something you will need in the long run.
3) Fill up your website
Have a domain name chosen, we’re almost there!
Building a website is easy, the hard part is filling it up with content.
Here’s a video on how to build your site in less than 30 seconds…
4) Set up a way to monetize
You have a website, great!
But have you ever thought of how your website is going to make money?
There are many ways on how to monetize those site and some of the easiest way, is by scamming people by cheating them of money which is something I will NEVER teach on my site.
I despise scammers not only because that practice in unethical, but because I too was scammed when I first wanted to learn how to make money online.
In fact, I even took up the initiative and wrote reviews on those products after I successfully set up my website (Click here to see my list of scam reviews).
So what is the most legitimate way to monetize your site then?
By offering something that your website visitors will like such as an ebook!
Here’s a video on how to add ClickBank to your website…
ClickBank is like a marketplace for affiliates to sell a product on their websites.
Of course that product is made by someone else but you get a sweet commission for every sale you get and why I recommend using ClickBank is because it has the highest rating for commission pay which is around 50%-75%!
So browse around ClickBank, find an eBook of your liking that will match what your website is doing, and voilà!
You’re all set to monetize!
5) Bring Traffic to Your Website
Now you have a fully functional website that is able to make money when someone buys a product off it, great!
But have you thought of how you want to attract traffic (Fancy name of website visitors) in the first place?
Simple, by writing more content!
The more content you write about on your website, the more visible your website will be in Google search and that is when you will keep bringing in more traffic.
You can write blog posts regarding your website niche such as “How-To” tutorials and tips because people are attracted to helpful information such as that.
So now you can tell people that you are an Online Entrepreneur!
Master the Art of Traffic Generation – Join an Online Community!
Do you want to scale up your business and make more money from your website?
Learn from the best of the best and get valuable information for free!
There is an online community called Wealthy Affiliate which has over 200,000 members and its jam packed with lessons shared by experts.
Wealthy Affiliate is an online community classroom meant for those who want to learn how to build and bring their online business further.
I have been a member for close to year and with the lessons I’ve learned, I managed to boost my website to another level and make more money from it than I ever knew I could!
Take a look at this…
As you can see, I managed to bring my website on the first page of Google and attract more visitors every day.
There are other neat tricks I learned but it is a lot for me to explain here but you can do it too by joining Wealthy Affiliate, the people there are really friendly 🙂
Making money on the internet sounds impossible but it is actually quite fun.
If you decide on starting an online business of your own, you just need to know what niche to choose, build a website from it and learn how to do SEO because before you know it, money will start coming in even when you sleep!
For more information on building a viable online business of your own, check out my #1 recommended program here.
Also, do share your thought below as I’ll be more than happy to reply 🙂
Hello Riaz…. when creating a website with Wealthy Affiliate under Free Starter membership….Is there any cost towards hosting it….or any cost at all …if there is any…please what and how much are they
Hello again Martin,
Don’t worry, there are no hidden costs at all with the free starter membership! You’ll be able to build a high quality website even with the free starter membership and you’ll get the hosting inclusive as well. I’ll be with you every step of the way if you need help with anything so do hit me up if you need help with anything else.
Having a blog seems to be what everyone is talking about today, seems like I have no choice but to create one myself. Thanks for such a detailed guide, Riaz! Your article helped and I’m halfway to creating my first blog! Never thought that it’s this easy!
Right you are, Clit! I remember several years back when creating my very own site takes me hours and in the end, I gave up halfway. Now, it’s easier than ever and I so envy the generation today! All the best to you 😀
Hello Riaz, that is a great post but I think there are some points that are up for debate:
First let me start by saying my source is internet experience over 6 years and finally settling on being a marketing agent.
1. Let people know starting a business isnt as easy as starting it. There’s money that goes into paying for the stuff and building traffic.
2. Building traffic isnt just going to happen from signing up a single site. You have to use all the resources you can think of, resources recommended to you and then realize:
3. Building traffic takes more money from building your profits and believe me, most business will not see profit until many months later
4. If i put the term “penny jar cash – paid to promote” — (a long tail keyword) nysilly is #1
If you put in what the average user would put in – ‘paid to promote’ , its not on the page.
Let the readers know these differences and how to make it better.
Thanks for the constructive feedback. It’s true that there is money involved when it comes to building a huge online business – You need to think about advertising costs, an independent “.com” domain and other expenditures such as designs. But that is a whole different topic (Which can be found in my other blog posts) not to mention an optional spending choice when it comes to building an online business which means that even if you don’t spend money on those things, you can still have a fully-functional website to call your own. This article is about starting your own online business without any investments so I won’t recommend my readers choices that needs spending. It’s true that your website may start to convert better after 2,3 months but that is why I gave an advise (If you read till finish) to join an online community which provides more lessons on how to boost a website’s SEO and generate more traffic so that they can learn at their own pace.