Image by Dean Terry
Did you know that the percentage of people opening their emails through mobile phones have increased by 80% over the last 6 months?
If you’re getting to know the Internet Marketing, there has never been a better time than now because one of the best email marketing methods out there are solo ads.
Solo ads may be expensive but they are of the highest quality form of internet marketing because out of 100 emails sent, opening rates are around 35-50% and when done successfully, you can get profits out of that and the business can also automate itself.
Sounds cool?
Then let’s dig in a bit deeper into what solo ads are about shall we?
So what is a solo ad?
Solo ads are just simply emails that are targeted at selling something so in other words, it is a form of email marketing.
However solo ads differ than any other normal email marketing in a way that the emails are sent at a real buyers’ list which is very costly because that buyers list is very hard to get.
If you’re wondering what a buyer’s list is, it is actually a list of email subscribers who have bought at least one or 2 products which means that they are not just simply freebie-seekers.
You might wonder what’s wrong with freebie-seekers but when testing the power of your product or offer, it is better to try it out on people who are willing to buy because at the end of the day, everyone wants money.
But the reason it is called solo is because the vendors (Provider of the list) will usually allow you to send your emails once because with every promotions they agree to send, they risk losing their own subscribers.
This is why Solo ads is a very intricate art that not many people prefer to do unless you have at least $500 to spend for discovering the best methods and vendors.
Why do a Solo Ad?
There are plenty of reasons as to why a solo ad is important because trust me, I was asking that myself when I first started Internet Marketing.
I ask myself the same question so here are some facts to help you know more…
- The list that you will be paying for is QUALITY list which can help you test your product’s credibility better.
- You want to keep track of what REAL buyers would think of your product by split-testing.
- You want to know what the odds of people buying your offer are when they have never heard of it yet.
- You want to save your time and promote your product to people who are willing to buy instead of promoting it to various channels where there are plenty of freebie-seekers.
What do Solo Ads Look Like? [Case Study]
I’m more of a showing person than a telling so here’s a screenshot of a solo ad that I received today…
This is a random solo ad from a person called Ron Silver who I never knew and never acknowledged to him the right to email me.
So the first mistake of Ron?
Is to NOT introducing himself because although this may be a small matter, in certain countries such as New Zealand, emailing someone without authority is against the law and companies can get sued.
If that exact solo ad were to arrive in your email, would you even click on that?
This is a TERRIBLE example of a solo ad because not only is it short, the font used is unattractively big and there’s NO elaboration whatsoever on what it’s all about!!
I mean WHY would anyone click on that link when you don’t even know what it’s about?
And speaking of links, the fact that Ron was masking the link without showing you the actual URL further confirms the suspicion that this is a scam or worse, a virus.
Here’s another example of a solo ad that I received…
Although the length of the solo ad is just about right, there are mistakes that this sender did which are:
- NOT writing my name properly (He literally wrote there “Hey Firstname!”)
- NOT telling what the offer is about – People want to know what you’re offering.
- Masking the link to “Click Here” instead of the original URL.
Honestly, why do I always get shitty solo ads such as these?
So after looking at the solo ad mistakes, let’s get down to…
What a Proper Solo Ad Should Need –Things You Should Know.
Here’s an example of a recent solo ad I received from a veteran Internet Marketer called Patric Chan…
Noticed the difference between Patric’s solo ad and the previous solo ads that I showed before?
Compared to the previous ones, Patric’s solo ad seems more readable and is definitely a much friendlier approach don’t you think?
Here’s some main points as to why Patric’s solo ad is much better than the previous two…
- Patric greets you with your name – More effective than just saying “Hi” or “Hey you”
- He shows the real URL instead of masking it which not only lets you know where it leads to, it also shows honesty as he has got nothing to hide.
- Not having more than 3 links – A bare minimum of links that should be added in a solo ad is 2 but you can achieve 3 by taking a bold step such as Patric’s one.
- Patric ELABORATES on what the offer is about – A lot of solo ads miss out on this which is actually very important as it gives you further reasons to click on that link.
- Ends the solo ad with a P.S – The perfect email finish to make it look more personalized.
Using Patric’s solo ad as an example, you should be able to craft your own solos by avoiding those mistakes that I’ve laid out and including the important ones.
Solo ads may look simple but a lot of people miss out on many crucial steps (Like those pictures I just showed you).
So when crafting your own solo ad, don’t forget to include the name of the person, a simple elaboration on your offer as well as adding other things to make your email look more personalized and you’d surely be surprised at the number of click-through you’ll be getting!
If you’re interested in learning more about Internet Marketing, check out my #1 recommended program here.
Do share your thoughts and experience below as I’ll be more than happy to reply 🙂 .
Very interesting, but will have to bookmark it for later. This is still way out of my league! Great info to get us started with it the right way and not lose readers through low-quality solo ads.
Your welcome Les, thanks for dropping by! It’s important to write high quality solo ad for better conversions and of course, to prevent us from getting unsubscribes. Happy New Year!
I’ve been looking for a decent article about solo ads everywhere and they all promote their own solo ads which is annoying. Thanks for such honest explanation Riaz, the world needs more people like you :). I’ve bookmarked your sit and will drop by again soon!
Your welcome Chris! I too was looking for an article solo ads but it is very hard to find so I took the initiative of trying it out and sharing my experiences with you guys. Thanks for dropping by Chris, hope you have a very happy New Year!