Auto Blog Blueprint X Review – Are You Sure You Google is Playing Fine With This?

autoblog blueprint x google search resultsProduct name: Auto Blog Blueprint X


Type of business: Mass blog production

Price: $27

Owner: Mike Johnson

My rating: 0 out of 5 (SCAM)

Auto Blog Blueprint or Blogging on Autopilot claims that you can make money by building dozens of blogs that you can scale up to more than a hundred to create your own empire.

They are known by two different names yes, I don’t get why they needed to confuse their consumers that way, totally unnecessary.

A trick like this is such a huge claim to make and is certainly getting the attention of many (Including me), but does this program really work?

The first time I made my payment, I was already experiencing some difficulties with the login process, imagine what I went through afterward.

That’s the very reason I wrote this Auto Blog Blueprint X review so do continue reading to find out my experiences with this program and whether or not is it suitable for you.


Pros and Cons


  • Easy navigation – I like how everything is so modern and simplified, you can keep track easily of what you’ve learned.
  • Systematic modules – The modules come with a step-by-step checklist that you can tick when you finish or continue where you left off anytime.
  • Credit for information layout – It really shows that Mike puts in a lot of effort as he writes everything and made the videos himself.
  • Cool logo – I’m a sucker for awesome visuals.


  • DOESN’T tell you that you will be spending money – I really hate it when I join a program but it doesn’t tell you that you need money once you’re inside. As a student, I have just enough money to buy the product but since I need to suddenly spend MORE in order to make any profit, this hits me hard.
  • Very problematic login– After you purchase this product, chances are your link will expire and you won’t be able to log in!
  • Very bad history – Autoblog Blueprint X focuses more on the number of websites rather than quality which results in their website looking cheap with copied articles and this has also caused this program’s previous versions a very bad reputation.
  • Websites are not proper – since you will be doing cheap websites by the numbers, they are not something you can be proud of telling your friends and families because those websites are not as a result of your own hard work (Basically you will be paying freelancers to handle them).
  • Methods are BlackHat – The methods taught by Mike are of BlackHat origins which are frowned by Google and in 2015, Google has yet again changed its system so Auto Blog Blueprint won’t be very effective in the long run.
  • A bad mixture of font colors – Some font colors are too light that you can’t see anything which can hurt your eyes if you keep reading that through the whole module.
  • NOT for beginners – There is a LOT of complicated jargon that even I do not know of and I have been running my website for close to a year! Things like PHP, SEO, and CPanel would overwhelm you if you are not a very technical person.
  • Does NOT have any tools –Autoblog Blueprint focuses on teaching you how to build websites and not just a few, but hundreds of them so because of this, the lessons are very technical. However, Mike doesn’t supply you with complimentary tools like a website analyzer to help make sure you are on the right track which can be disappointing because you will, after all, be spending a lot of money.
  • Lack of direction and videos – Some modules are VERY technical like setting up a web host with your DNS but there is NO indication on how to do that! Videos are also lacking in important parts which can be very scary as you won’t understand a thing.

Jeepers, that’s a lot of cons! Better check out my #1 recommended program here instead!


What is Auto Blog Blueprint X?

Auto blog blueprint x

If you’ve been in the Internet Marketing industry, you might know that having a blog can be very rewarding.

However, when it comes to maintaining it, blogging can be somewhat boring and time-consuming which is why most bloggers do it full-time and that is when Auto blog Blueprint X comes in.

Created by Mike Johnson, Auto Blog Blueprint X is a system that teaches you how to cheat your way to making endless blogs to help you save time.

The lessons and techniques being taught inside are claimed to make your blog run on autopilot and from there, turn your blog into a money-making cash machine so that you can relax and not worry much about it.

This technique however, may work last time but not today because SEO as we know it has changed in ways that do not favor us.


Tools and Training

As a step-by-step module course that teaches you how to build websites, it is surprising to know that Autoblog Blueprint doesn’t provide you with any tools.

A quality program would give complementary tools such as a keyword research tool or a website performance analyzer because believe me, building blogs can be very confusing because there are a lot of technical terms involved.

However, Autoblog blueprint has step-by-step training modules which is one of the features that I like…

Module #1

  • The System
  • Step 1 – Niche research
  • Step 2 – Instant Authority domains
  • Step 3 –Web hosting
  • Step 4 – Blog install

Module #2

  • SEO plan of action
  • Step 5 – Base settings
  • Step 6 – Base plugins
  • Step 7 – Themes
  • Step 8 – Essential pages

Module #3

  • Step 9 – Establishing authority
  • Step 10 – Landing pages
  • Step 11 –Site structure and silos
  • Step 12 – the content plan
  • Step 13 – Traffic and promotion

The process is practically in to teach you to build your very own blog and from there, install the necessary plugins, paid plans, and freelancers to ensure automatic run of your blog.

Tired of Hitting a Dead End? Get REAL Online Business Help Here!


What I Don’t Like About Autoblog Blueprint X:

There are some very serious red flags about this program that you should seriously concern yourself with if you are ever interested in Autoblog Blueprint.

Red Flag #1 – Google Sees Blog Automation as Garbage.

MOZ talk 2015

You’ve read it right, Google is changing the way they do SEO and you can see it on the recent Moz Talk here.

In Autoblog Blueprint X, the concept is the same as its previous versions of Autoblog blueprint 2.0 and Autoblog Blueprint 3.0 which is – Make lots of blogs and trying to make it look legit.

Believe it or not, Google frowns upon this act due to moral reasons (duh!) because you are using blackhat methods to rank your blogs and make money which is totally unfair for other people who make great blogs with awesome content.

I was actually relieved when Mike wrote this…

confession of Google slap

As you can see, he actually admitted that Google’s updates slapped him hard and rendered many of his cheap quality blogs useless.

Autoblog Blueprint X is Mike’s latest update of his “Blogging on Autopilot” series released for 2015 which also focuses on making many websites instead of focusing on one at a time.

But although Mike claims that this time he will be teaching you how to do the same trick ‘carefully’, I am skeptical and so should you.

Red Flag #2 – Difficulty in Logging In.

How would you feel if you just paid for something online but you are not able to access it?

You would surely feel scammed, would you not?

The moment I paid for Autoblog Blueprint X, I couldn’t even access the given link to get to the member’s page!

This seriously bumped me and destroyed my first impression of this program because in my opinion, Autoblog Blueprint X looks very promising at first glance.

When I clicked on the link that I received in my email after buying, it keeps saying “Link expired” which prompted me to send an email requesting support.

I had to wait 6 hours for Mike to reply to me which made me curse a lot.

It may not happen to everyone and probably they would have fixed this a few months from now (After I complained to them) but this really upset me which is another factor that contributes to my bad rating of this glitchy program.

As if the technical issues weren’t enough, you’d be even more devastated to know that…

Red Flag #3 – Mike DOESN’T Tell You That You’ll Be spending up to $1000 a Month!

This is by far the biggest turn off for me when I first joined.

Did you know that you will be spending loads of cash on extra expenditures once you get inside Auto Blog Blueprint X?

Here’s a breakdown of what you will be spending your money on once you’re inside…

  • Market Samurai – $147
  • – $10-$300
  • Moz Pro Analytics – $99-$599 (Monthly)
  • Freelance article writers – $50-$500
  • Google Ads – $200 a month

Now bear in mind that you are expected to buy many domains instead of focusing on a few quality ones so you’ll definitely be spending a lot of money on that.

Instead of buying fresh new domains, Mike wants to buy used domains from because they carry a lot of weight on articles and SEO which also comes with a weighty price tag.

Market Samurai on the other hand, is used to help you do keyword research but it is very expensive and less efficient compared to Jaaxy.

If you have the cash to burn, you could simply do all of these steps and spend away according to how you like but if you don’t you can take the safer route which might be taking a few months longer to start earning which is by starting your very own site of your own from scratch.

Don’t get wrong, the system does work if done well and you can actually make this work but the problem is that most of us do not have money which is why we join it in the first place but getting through the program just to be to that you’d have to fork out at least a thousand dollars every month and is definitely one of the most crucial reasons why many people fail this program.

Red Flag #4 – Colours That Hurt Your Eye.

Blogging on autopilot x unclear

Look at that image above, now look at me (joking). But can you really see everything without bringing your face close to your screen?

We know that visuals play a vital role, especially with the use of colors but did you know that they can also cause eye damage?

Autoblog Blueprint X lessons mostly consist of full articles because of all those 13 lessons, videos are only included in 3 of those lessons which means that majority of the lessons require reading.

More words than videos can get pretty boring which is why Mike uses colorful fonts to make reading more attractive.

Sure, reading colorful words is interesting but the colors used are so inappropriate because some fonts use colors that are TOO bright and are really hard to see.

Due to that, you would have to look closer to the screen in order to see, but the moment you scroll down, the background becomes bright blue which is so sharp to the eye, it could cause headaches.

Red Flag #5 – Lack of Videos Showing You The Technical Terms.

Lack of detail in teaching

If you’re not tech-savvy, you’re in for a treat.

Most of the lessons are quite technical which can be a very daunting task to even understand what you are expected to do.

If you can’t even understand what you are supposed to do, how are going to even execute that action?

There are lessons that are very hard to learn such as setting up web hosts with your domain and these lessons will create more problems like how do we even connect these two mediums?

Autoblog blueprint X is super complicated especially for those that are new to this and it is one of the very reasons why we need a proper community to help us out whenever we are stuck and need help.

Speaking of communities…


How Interactive is Autoblog Blueprint X’s Community?

Autoblog blueprint FB

Autoblog blueprint X does have a community, but they are so closely regulated that it feels like they are trying to hide something which sometimes made me feel like they are a cult.

The idea of a community is to show openness so that others can see what you are doing so that they might be intrigued to join as well, wouldn’t you agree?

Autoblog Blueprint X on the other hand, makes it so difficult for a member to join the group and ask questions.

Take a look at this…

autoblog blueprint community problems

Even if you want to join the Autoblog Blueprint X’s Facebook group, you would need to wait for AT LEAST 2 days!

How ridiculous is that?

And if it’s so secretive, why not do the forum community in Autoblog Blueprint itself rather than on Facebook?

This not only helps users save the trouble of going all the way to Facebook just to ask a question, it will also increase the amount of time people spend on their own website which indirectly boosts Autoblog Blueprint X’s website SEO as well!

Doesn’t that make sense?

Autoblog Blueprint X would be so much better if they are more open with their community.

Want a Program With an Active Community Which You Could Learn and Get Help Easily? Find Out More Here!


Is Auto Blog Blueprint X for Anyone?

No, it is not.

Instead, it is for seasoned Internet marketers who have at least 1 year of experience and lots of money to spare.

Auto Blog BluePrint X has a LOT of complicated jargon that even I have not heard of.

When I started this blog, I didn’t even know those jargons as I didn’t come from an Internet Marketing background to begin with but look at my site now, it’s still doing fine.

If you’re wondering how I built this blog, I actually learned it from my #1 recommended program here.

overwhelming info on Auto Blog Blueprint

Take a look at this…

There are a lot of complicated jargons like PHP, cPanel, even configuration file which I have never even heard of and honestly, you don’t have to know those in order to make a successful money-making blog because I managed to do just well and rank my site on the first page of Google without ever learning those!

Instead of making 20 blogs in order to get $5,000 a month as Mike tells you, why not just build one and focus all your efforts to make sure that one site give you that much money instead?

After you finish building a quality blog, only then should you focus on building another one that would be so much better.


Do I recommend Auto Blog Blueprint X?

Definitely not.

As great and updated the lesson may be in Auto Blog BluePrint X, unfortunately, it won’t be very effective now that Google has updated its system again.

That means that all the hard work you put in to make 20-30 blogs, will be for nothing.

Not only that, Google will penalize your sites meaning those sites will be much harder to find which is something you need to be careful of because building a blog takes time and effort.

Instead of building many websites that are of low quality, why not build one quality website that you will be proud to call your own?

There is a program that teaches you that which I highly recommend you to check out instead and it is called Wealthy Affiliate which also teaches you how to build blogs but instead of focusing on many blogs, you focus on one at a time which is much better.

Today’s Google updates are getting more complicated than ever as Google now focuses more on the content of a website rather than the keyword title alone.

autoblog blueprint x google search results

Take this very website for example.

If you’ve come across this page, chances are you might have come across it on Google and that’s for a very good reason.

It’s because this review that I wrote has good content complete with the right keywords research with a good content length too and has withstood time since the first time I published it back in 2015.

As many of you might know, Google is a bit strict on what content ranking and even if you were to rank on the first page, you might fall down ranking and end up at the behind pages the next week so getting to maintaining your number one spot is the real and getting the right platform to teach you that is vital to your online success.

It surely doesn’t work if you apply BlackHat tricks by stuffing your website with low-quality content as taught by Auto Blog Blueprint, you won’t get your site up there hence any money.

If you’re still considering getting AutoBlog Blueprint or not, here’s a quick comparison between these 2 programs to help you get a clearer view…



My Final Word

Don’t get me wrong, Autoblog Profits X can well in fact make you some money.

However due to the huge amounts of money that you will be spending monthly along with the risk of not knowing if your websites will get slapped by Google’s new update anytime, Autoblog Profits is a SCAM and receives my rating of 0 out of 5.

If you’re interested in a program that teaches you how to build a money-making blog that Google loves and one that you will be proud to call your own, check out my #1 recommended program here instead.

Thanks for reading, do drop your questions below and I’ll be more than happy to reply.

Riaz Shah


6 comments to “Auto Blog Blueprint X Review – Are You Sure You Google is Playing Fine With This?”
  1. Auto Blog Blueprint X looks pretty cool actually but I agree with you that they are not meant for beginners. And all that eventual spending once inside is all too risky too considering you won’t know if you will get back your ROI. Thanks for such an fine review, Riaz. This has got to be the best one I’ve ever read.

    • Thank you for the kind words Carolyn, really appreciate that 🙂 . I realised that there are many reviews out there but none trustworthy because all of them are meant to promote with bonuses so I took the initiative to write a full review in order to help more people. I’m glad that I was able to reach you and possibly many more.

  2. I thought this program is scammy, and so glad I found it from you! Great review Riaz, I noticed that you do reviews like this alot, really appreciate you sticking your nose out for us little people.

  3. Wow that font colour is just too painful to watch! Autoblog blueprint looks like a decent program actually, but they could do more to improve it more if they wanted to. Some videos would be great on the technical parts like as Riaz mentioned and man, they could do with the colour change as well!

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