Jaaxy World’s Most Advanced Keyword Tool

laptop searching for keywords

Image by Amarpreet K

Wondering on how to make all your websites or blog posts appear on the first page of Google search? (Or Bing or Yahoo)

Use Jaaxy!

The World Wide Web is getting hugely competitive today, especially with the fact that every month over a million websites are being made by people.

No matter what kind of website you’re doing, be it business or blog or both, everything that you do online would need to be in good terms with Google because that is the door to which people can even begin find you.

But if you’re new to the world of internet marketing, however can you get good rankings in Google?

By understanding keywords of course, and that’s how Jaaxy comes in.

What is a keyword?

Contrary to 10 years back whereby anything you post on your website can appear in Google as easy, today it is very competitive to get noticed on Google.

And understanding keywords, well it’s the answer to bypass all that competition.

Keyword is as the name implies, the key-word that you use on your titles.

For example, if you’re writing about “How to get a girlfriend” those are considered your keywords.

BUT everyone will be thinking like that which means that your post will have to go through VERY high competition.

And being new, you will probably only get 1% of that huge market IF you’re lucky.

So how do you bypass all of those competition and still manage to get your website on the first page of Google?

By leveraging keywords of course!

So with a keyword tool such as Jaaxy, you can analyze and find which keywords you should use to get maximum visitor traffic with very few competition.


How leveraging keywords can give you the upper hand

Basically the idea of leveraging keywords is simply to look for sentences that people usually search in Google, but at a low competition.

For example, “How to get a girlfriend” is a very basic sentence that every people tend to write.

The problem?

Huge competition, but don’t get me wrong though because you can actually leverage this huge market.

But for the time being, not now because Google would usually prefer established websites which have a better reputation and have been in the market much longer.

Here’s the results when I searched for that keyword on Jaaxy…

Jaaxy search results

As seen from the Jaaxy search results, the competition for the keywords “Get your ex girlfriend back” is much lower than that of “Get your girlfriend back”

This is a great example of how powerful a word can be because just by removing “ex”, you’ve eliminated 50 competitors!

Just imagine if you dig in to more powerful words, you’d have a chance to eliminate your competition by at least 80% or if you’re lucky, you could stumble upon keywords that are high on demand but have no competitions whatsoever which in other words mean a gold mine!

Give Jaaxy a go

I have been using various keyword tools and personally, I find Jaaxy the most efficient search tool in the World because I like having all my search details being laid out for me in a blink of an eye.

I hate doing manual searching because it literally takes me about an hour or two just to find the right keywords so I would definitely recommend Jaaxy for those who wants their website to get loads of visitors fast and get rankings effectively.

If you have any questions regarding Jaaxy, please do let me know below and I’ll be more than happy to reply.


Riaz 88kb

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