Having a blog is fun! You control everything that goes in and out, and you can write anything you want, anytime.
But soon you will reach a point in time where you will want to get more returns for your blog.
Here’s my 5 winning steps you could take to help boost your blogging outcomes:
1) Mix business with personal
Everyone loves some daily tips that shares something they didn’t know.
But still, people are people and we still love some personal touch in everything life has to offer.
Many blogs that I’ve come across are strictly professional that they didn’t even want to share their personal side of things.
What’s wrong with that?
Nothing…if you’re in the corporate world!
In the world of blogging, people WANT to know your lifestyle.
Competition is very high today and if you survive, people will want to know how you achieve that amongst all odds.
They needed something that they can relate to and because of that, they will trust you more and try to connect with you and most probably buy your products too.
Try to compare the corporate blog of Success Resources and the personal blog of Peng Joon.
Which one would you prefer reading more?
2) Headlines are everything
When you open up your newspaper in the morning, do you read everything inside?
You’d probably skim through and read what attracts you the most wouldn’t you?
Similarly, headlines are important for blogs too so make use of this by making catchy headlines as this will surely attract more readers.
For example, which one do you prefer reading more?
“A Man Tames a Rabbit”? Or “A Man Tames A Rabbit By Punching A Crocodile”?
Definitely the guy who punches the crocodile!
3) Dare to try out new things
Blogs can get boring when people can expect the usual.
If you come across a blog and you can expect that it basically talks about the same thing, would you feel like visiting it every day?
You probably wouldn’t but if the blog suddenly started going on to different fields, you’ll surely be interested in finding out about that.
Take Gaming Chica for example.
In a usual day, Gaming Chica provides tips and news on gaming.
But what if one day, Gaming Chica released a book called “Cooking with Gaming Chica – How to Make Other Players Look Dum by Eating Proper Food”?
Every gamer would certainly be hooked, especially if they want to win gaming tournaments.
There are many other areas out there that you can delve into besides mixing gaming and cooking so don’t be afraid to try any crazy ideas you have in mind!
If you never try, you know!
4) Consistency is key
Blogs are cheap to maintain and can be very lucrative if done right.
Unfortunately, many people give up halfway because they do not get anything in return after a while.
But the key to blogging actually, is to write consistently and never give up.
Blogs are a business and in the business world, do you get rich instantly?
Probably not as you will have many things to improve and tend to.
But when your business gets stable after a few months, it will boom and money will start pouring in.
Take a restaurant for example.
You spent $1 million on the building, the staff and the equipment.
After the first month, you managed to raise only $30,000.
But if you keep moving on with your business and don’t give up, then that $30k will grow into $50k and slowly to $100k, then $200k and before you know it, you’ve reached break-even.
Similarly to blogs, you will earn little if any at a slow pace in the beginning.
But after a few months, you will start to see income pouring in and you’d be glad you never gave up in the first place.
Besides, did you know that the more often you write, the faster you get ranked by Google?
5) Optimize your blog
Now that you’re blogging at a steady pace, there’s nothing more you can do except for optimizing your blog with the search engines.
You want your blog to appear in Google so that more people can find you.
In the Internet Marketing World, we have a term for this in which we would like to call SEO (Search Engine Optimization).
And basically the activities that you do are tweaking and playing with things like keywords to get your website ranked faster.
SEO is a very wide topic that some people even base their whole careers upon and it’s something that you cannot master overnight.
Because of this, some people would pay others huge costs to do their work for them but it’s always better to take matters into your own hands.
If you’re planning to do SEO yourself, the best platform currently is Wealthy Affiliate as you can join with a free account.
Blogging can be a very lucrative business if done right but succeeding in it would take some time, usually a few months as you just can’t attract people overnight (unless you’re a Superstar).
Therefore it’s imperative to be consistent in your blogging practices so that one day, your blog will shine and attract more people than you could imagine.
For more information on mastering SEO for your blog, check out my review on Wealthy Affiliate here.
Great content Riaz! I enjoyed all five points in your blog. I will put them to use and check back for more ideas!
Thanks Howard! Looking forward for that
I have never visualized myself as a blogger but today, I am doing it. So that meets step #3 – Dare to try new things. I would encourage anyone with a dream to start blogging. The world wide web is such a vast place and everyone is thirsting for information.
Right on Cathy! I’ve never actually though I’d be a blogger myself too but here I am
Hey Riaz,
great post. It really is important to never give up. It does take a bit in the beginning, but you can see progress and growth.
The best things is, the more you write, the better you get and the more rankings you get. So it really is just about your willingness to learn and keep at it
Thanks Sarah! Agreed! A lot of people tend to give up easily but really, consistency is always key