5 Newbie Pinterest Mistakes to Avoid

Coloured Chalks Showing Pinterest

Image by mkhmarketing

Pinterest has recently become viral and many people are getting more attracted to it.

And to keep ourselves as updated as possible, we tend to join these viral waves every now and then, including creating a Pinterest account of our own.

“Yaay! I’ve made a Pinterest account! Now I can show my friends how cool I am.”

Says most newbie Pinterest users (Including myself) but before you do that, here’s 5 things you need to know in order to look like a pro Pinteressser:

1)  Avoid Hashtags!

As I was scrolling down the Pinterest News Feed yesterday, I spotted 3 pins with the #sexy #omg.

#Don’t #Use #Hashtags #In #Pinterest!

Unlike Twitter, Facebook and Google+, Pinterest is not meant for Hashtags and although it’s not wrong to use, it certainly doesn’t make you look professional.

2)  Avoid using ugly pictures

Humans are visual in Nature and in Pinterest, you absolutely must have a good picture!

People are posting images in all of their pins so much so that readers indirectly expect you to also have nice images on your profile to gain their attention.

Even if your website than you pinned has great content, if the picture is ugly it might not attract others to check it out!

3)  Not showing pictures of yourself

Pinterest is like a blog, people would want to see who the person behind all those great pins are.

Admit it, you do too right?

Why not make use of this to grow popular over Pinterest!

Create a folder of your sexiest picture having a great time and you’ll get likes in no time!

Did you know that companies crave for this opportunity?

4)  Going on a Pinning Spree!

Pinterest can get REALLY addictive that you just can’t find the right time to get out of it.

As soon as you want to close it, Pop comes a picture of a cute rabbit that you just NEED to check out.

Trust me, I got addicted to 4 hours of pinning on my first try!

But when you’re on Pinterest, you will get followers which would most probably start from your Facebook account if you’re connected to it.

So when you get on a Pinning Spree where you constantly pin many cool things you find in a short period of time, you are also bombarding your followers’ News Feed and this can make them really annoyed.

When they’re annoyed, you don’t need me to tell you that they will unfollow you!

Besides, if would totally make you look like a newbie to your followers if you do that!

5)  Not planning ahead

Like Facebook and Twitter, there are specific times that people use Pinterest which is usually in the afternoon (lunch break) and evening when people are on their way home.

Make use of this by planning ahead what pin you would like to post as you will get a huge amount of views just by being active at that time!

Successful people leverage this by planning ahead what they would like to pin, how many, and even what captivating description to use on their pins!


Sure it seems that there are many ways to boost your Pinterest potential but don’t forget, Pinterest is a way to portray yourself with pins of websites that you love so don’t get all corporate, show your personal side too!

If you haven’t already, do follow me on my Pinterest account here.

For more information on how to use social media for your business, check out my review of Wealthy Affiliate here.


Riaz Shah

Riaz 88kb

13 comments to “5 Newbie Pinterest Mistakes to Avoid”
  1. I don’t use Pinterest probably as often as I should, I get to used to using the other big social networks. I totally agree with you that when posting pictures, they should be quality one’s. I have seen some fantastic pictures on Pinterest from photographers.

  2. I have an account created on Pinterest, but I have not gotten into it as of yet. One thing I have found with social media is that I need to learn one at a time. Pinterest is soon coming up and I can really appreciate the tips you have provided here. I will definitely keep them in mind as I begin my foray there.

  3. Interesting post! I’ve been Pinteresting for awhile, but have never thought about pinning pictures of myself! I can’t recall seeing anyone else do that either. I tend not to like myself in pictures anyway.

    I’ve also never planned ahead for any future pins either. It’s usually on the spur of the moment.

    • Hey Ben! that’s cool, it’s not wrong either but since your Pinterest is already gaining popularity, some people like to take advantage of this to promote themselves 😉

  4. Hey Riaz, thanks for this post… I am still sitting with my feet in the water with Pinterest so it’s great advice when I make the full plunge 😉

  5. Hey, Riaz. Great post! I too am a newbie to all these social media websites! Surely I will keep in mind these mistake to avoid in the the future with Pinerest! Thanks

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