What is Chris Farrell Membership? I Can Help You With That.

Chris Farrell Sales Page

Name: Chris Farrell Membership

Website: www.ChrisFarrellMembership.com

Type of business: Website building

Price: $1 the first week, $37 per month afterward, $997 Mentor Me.

Owner: Chris Farrell

My rating: 3 out of 5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️

I was cooking egg’s benedict when my baby sister asked me about this program.

Being the overprotective brother that I am, I was worried and didn’t want any of my family to fall prey to scams like how I did so naturally, I did what I had to do which is to do some digging on this program.

Interestingly enough, the program isn’t all that bad with a few pluses and minuses one has to know before deciding to purchase this program.

Do continue reading my full Chris Farrell Membership review to know more about how it all entails.



Despite the interesting sales pitch video with houses and cars which is a norm for every scam product, Chris Farrel membership is actually one of the few legitimate home business programs that can actually help you make money online.

The course is meant to help you kickstart your online career to a whole different level and it’s divided into different stages for you to absorb easily and start implementing step by step until eventually, the website can run with minimal supervision, giving you more time to focus on growth and diversifying your income even further, or start another website for a different niche to take advantage of.

The membership consists of a 21-day lesson plan which is further broken down into basic elements that you need to know in order to start making money at home successfully.

The program is constantly updated to suit today’s competition but the most important part of all I would say, is the part where Chris personally guides you throughout the program.

As good as Chris Farrel Membership may be, a legitimate home business product shouldn’t have any upsells nor any sales page which intends to make you pay more than you need to.

Let’s look at what the program has to offer…


What Does Chris Farrel Membership Consist Of?

The lessons are spread out on a 21-day basis which consists of videos and manuals for you to learn at your own pace. Some of the areas that you will be covering are:

  • Creating your own eBook
  • WordPress Wealth
  • Monetize Mondays
  • Creating your own products
  • Killer Copywriting

Personally, they are not that much and you can actually cover a few lessons per day.

I finished the course in a week but of course, you can finish them faster if you are really dedicated.


What are the Advantages of the Program?

There are a few interesting points that I particularly like about the program which I think you’d find interesting.

Advantage #1 – Lessons Taught By the Owner.

chris video teaching you stuff

Perhaps the best part of this program is that Chris himself will teach you the lessons within his videos.

I say this because most scam products would only show the owner’s face a few times on the first few lessons and afterward…nothing.

The owner stops appearing and the lesson is continued by some random person which we didn’t pay to listen to which in other words – a ripoff.

Advantage #2 – Ready-Made Templates.

If there’s one similarity in hate that we all share, it is by taking too much time doing something unnecessary.

Chris’s product helps you out a bit by giving a wide array of ready-made templates that you can choose from to save time.

Advantage #3 – Newbie-friendly.

Chris Farrel’s program is great if you are new to the internet marketing world and fresh without any prior knowledge.

The lessons are simple and easy to understand which is aimed at helping you pick up all those data fast.


What are the Disadvantages of Chris Farrel Membership?

Looking at the plus points is always attractive but like any other programs out there, nothing is perfect and there are some negative points of it you should know of.

Disadvantage #1 – Lessons are Too Basic.

It is newbie-friendly, yes, but not veteran-friendly.

When taking any courses that require us to progress and progress, it is human nature for most of us to learn more of what the course has to offer, ESPECIALLY regarding money.

If you’re in the making-money course, surely you’d want to know how to earn more wouldn’t you?

Unfortunately, Chris Farrel Membership’s lessons aren’t too in-depth for you to start scaling your earning potential.

Disadvantage #2 – Limited Trials.

Real online products especially courses should allow trials.

Chris Farrell is doing great by providing the trial course but the access is so limited, there’s basically no point in doing the trial in the first place.

In the world we live today, scams are more rampant than ever so having the choice to try before having to pay huge amounts regularly instills confidence in the eyes of customers.

Disadvantage #3 – Dead Community.

Communities are the lifeblood of any work from home programs.

This is because people naturally like to help each other and in the online world, having someone to talk to and help guide you on the right path as well as extinguish doubts is important for your well-being.

Chris Farrell’s on the other hand, has a very outdated community system as they use a forum for it as how they did in old school.

chris farrell forum boring

The forum itself looks boring and unattractive which one glance will make you sigh is depression and there are bare any interaction between members.

It feels like a standstill whereby there’s not much activity going on in the forum.

But hey, at least the info is there and people can learn from it!


The Pricing Strategy

Now that we’ve gone through the plus and minuses, let’s have a clear look at how much the program would really charge you if you decide to put your time in it.

1)   The 7 day, $1 Trial Price.

The program starts with a $1 trial fee which lasts for 7 days and aimed at making you make time-based decisions as you rush to go through those days.

2)   The Monthly $37.

Afterward, you will be billed $37 per month for as long as you remain a member of the program.

What Chris didn’t tell you beforehand is that you will need to pay for other costs when setting up your websites such as your domain name (about $10 to $12), and web hosting (around $4 to $15).

3)   $997 Mentor Me Package.

If you have the cash to burn, then this one’s for you.

For a limited time, you will have a special online time with Chris Farrell himself where he will guide you on how to bring your website to great heights.

The price is quite steep and for only a limited time though so it’s best if you are not too dependant on him because as soon as the period ends, you’ll end up paying for yet another package.


Chris Farrell Membership Alternative.

Similar to Chris Farrell Membership, there is another online business course available which I have reviewed called Wealthy Affiliate.

Wealthy Affiliate has exactly the same goal which is to guide people and help them make money online by building their very own fully-functioning WordPress website and monetizing it.

But I find it way better than that of Chris Farrell’s because WA has a very lively community, lessons updated every now and then, a free account and of course, the owners themselves being available for you to chat with.

Here’s an overview of the two compared:



My Final Take

Chris Farrell Membership is a great program for newbies but not so for those who already have basic or veteran experience in the world of internet marketing.

The program is easy to learn but education is limited to the basic level which means that if you want to grow your business potential, you will need to find another home business program that has more advanced lessons.

Worry not because although it does contain some hidden guru techniques, Chris Farrell Membership is not a scam and that it can totally make you some money online if done right.

It still falls short though, compared to Wealthy Affiliate which remained my #1 recommendation as the perks are more and lessons are more in-depth.

So if you’re looking for a product that you can constantly learn from, a platform with an interactive community, and a program which the owners themselves would want to talk to you (for free), then I would definitely recommend you to check out my review of Wealthy Affiliate here.

Do you have your own personal experience with Chris Farrell Membership that you would like to add up?

Feel free to share below and I’ll be more than happy to reply.

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