Hi there! My name is Riaz and I’m from Malaysia.
I have a degree in Hospitality Management, I worked in London as a hotelier and now that I’m back, I started my own local company as well as this blog very blog that you’re reading.
A lot of people have the perception that if you want to succeed online, you need to know complicated coding and computer stuff.
I was one of them too, and that is why I created My Internet Quest.
The purpose of this website is so that I can show people that making it online doesn’t require any prior skills, that anyone even a newbie can learn how to make money online while avoiding shiny object pitfalls that most of us have come across at least once on the internet.
The best and the safest way anyone could achieve that is by making a website of their own and learning how to monetize it because that way, you will be in charge of your own business as you control what goes in, and what goes out as well as how much work you want to put in to get more returns.
But, it’s important to note that making a website is never an overnight process as there’s a whole growth period before you reach the passive income stage that you have to go through and this is something no other companies will want to reveal to you.
I share tips and tricks on how to boost your website in many ways such as in terms of traffic generation, website optimization, blogging secrets, and much more! All so that you can get an edge in the competition and be at the top of your game.
Here are some of the interesting features I touch base on…
- Tips for driving traffic to your website
- Review of internet marketing products
- Tips on Social Media optimization
- Tips on Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
- Tips on email marketing and solo ads
- Tips on using WordPress (The only CMS that I specialize in)
- Tips on increasing your conversion rate
- Tips on blogging
- and much more to come!
My Journey
I started learning about internet marketing in 2010 but my journey wasn’t an easy one. It was full of obstacles and I almost gave up a few times down the road.
Like most people, I got hooked into the whole make money online thing but at that time, many scams run rampant and as a fresh teenager who knows nothing about the internet, I was scammed numerous times.
Unlike today, the internet was still fairly new back in 2010 and Google was not that strong yet in terms of rules and regulations so a lot of people took advantage of that and manipulate scam programs for their own gain.
My first experience of being scammed was by this push-button software guru which claims that you can make money by just clicking on a button.
Sounds too good to be true, no? It actually worked.
And not just me, on a lot of people as I managed to make about $1,050 from that but after that, there came a surprise that nobody expected.
Google took control and updated so many things over the internet that many people stopped making money online, even me, and even those gurus.
I remember I was so depressed at that time, I almost gave up but I kept holding on to the belief that I can make passive income over the internet, I just didn’t know how yet.
I was trying products after products after that but still to no avail, I wasted more money in the end which made me even more disappointed with myself, and as soon as I was ready to throw in the towel, I came across a website that literally changed my life.
I came across a certain Online Business platform called Wealthy Affiliate (WA) which literally changed my life and unlike other make-money-online products that I’ve tried before, WA doesn’t even promote its own program – No ads, no videos, just a couple of good reviews on the internet.
I wasn’t even attracted to it in the first place because it didn’t sound fancy but I decided to try it out as a last resort and little did I know, that it is the place I needed to be.
It’s a community where everyone is helping out each other succeed online with their businesses and how they earn money online, is through a website.
I was surprised because the thought of monetizing a website hadn’t come to me. I was still skeptical about Wealthy Affiliate but after a few hours, the founder himself Kyle welcomed me!
All my life trying out home business products, I was never even greeted by owners let alone have the chance to talk to them. At that point, all my hope was replenished like that in a video game and I finally had a mentor to teach me and get me out of my problems.
I was so grateful to have found Wealthy Affiliate that I made a whole review about it here.
I also plan to make reviews of other home business products that I have tried before so that others who were unfortunate like me can also join WA as it’s free to start and it has an unlimited period starter account too so you can test it out yourself without having those any time constraints we keep coming across.
After all, the internet can be a very scary place as you won’t even know who to trust.
After a while, I started thinking to myself “Why isn’t WA promoting its own course?” It doesn’t even have an attention-grabbing video as every program does but then I realized, it doesn’t have to because there are no products to sell.
They don’t bombard you with offers after offers like the rest of the other home business products. There is only a membership fee if anyone decided to get more benefits.
And so I decided to start building this very blog you’re at to help people succeed over the internet. I achieve this by providing tips daily and making reviews of products so others can get away from scams as well.

Me now with Aragorn’s sword
With the skills I’ve learned from Wealthy Affiliate, I even managed to boost my own local event startup here in Malaysia – We have an office now, a fully-functional website created by yours truly (Saved myself a few thousand from hiring a web designer), and a healthy Google presence that landed me lots of calls from clients every day.
So that’s my life in a nutshell 🙂
But with all my busy schedules, I’m still just a normal everyday Joe who’s addicted to online games especially Elder Scrolls Online and Apex Legends.
Thank you for spending time reading my story, I appreciate it and If you have any questions whatsoever do drop some comments below, I do take the time to read and reply. If you’re in Wealthy Affiliate, do let me know on my profile here.
Your friend,
landed on your site thru Zac Johnson twitter profile.
loved reading your journey
Me too started blogging in 2009 but then had to quit. Have started again
Lets see if success comes to me.
Secondly, I liked your theme. Thinking of using the same on my blog. Hope you do not see any issues in that
Awesome Atul! And sure thing, the theme I use is Newswire, you can check it out and see if it suits you.
I would love to see your website and learn from it. I am thinking about joining WA but gee it looks so busy to me. I am easily distracted and I feel I could not achieve my goals in WA. Do they have a blue print for me to follow and up to date learning skills in the lessons. I was going to join Odi marketing champ but man it’s a shot in the dark. His price is 997.00 and that’s half off. I think I better stick with WA. I just need to start soon so I can see money later. Thanks and hope you can email me. Bobbi
Hey Bobbi,
The reason Odi Marketing Champ charges so high is because it’s a high ticket form of online business, one which you can learn in WA too. I’ve joined plenty of similar programs like this such as Big Idea Mastermind and MOBE, and believe me, when you’ve joined, you will need to spend even more for huge ads so it’s a huge dent in our pockets even before we start earning and I haven’t even gotten into those hidden upsells part yet. The reason I stopped and joined WA is because I wanted to start from scratch and learn how to implement that on other businesses.
I’d recommend you to start joining with WA’s free trial first so that you can get a good feel on the programme before going premium. It comes with a basic 10 online courses and don’t worry, it has an unlimited time period so you won’t feel pressured to rush. Just take your time and see if it fits you and if you have any questions whatsoever, I’ll be there for you too, along with my mentors and other pros there. Good luck!
Dear Riaz
I was very much encouraged to see a young guy , so active & intelligent & so I was being pushed to contact u . Let me come to the point to say that im a retired person & need extra income badly to support my daughter for her university expenses . I lost my money in forex business to earn this extra money . I think u r the Ray of Light for me . I want to learn & earn as soon as possible for the reason mentioned . can u kindly answer on my email .
Hi M A Khan,
Sorry for the late reply, that’s means a lot to me thanks! I haven’t received any emails though, perhaps you could try reach me on my personal email? riaz_90 [at] hotmail [dot] com . I’ll definitely get back much faster as I check that every single day.
Hi Riaz.
Thanks to you to your clearly review about CBPI from Patric Chan. I’d start any campaign at about a week for CBPI and put the banner on my site too.
My quick asking is “should I remove the banner from my site or let it there for several times to review it for myself?”
Please advice me.
O… by the way, your blog is very cool.
Kind regards,
Richard D.
Thanks Richard,
I would advise you to remove the CB banner ad entirely. They have very little clicks and they make your site look cheap, dropping down your ecstatic value. You can instead create a custom banner to make your review standout like how I did as this will increase your clickthrough rates more than it was before.
Salams Riaz
I should have added you many months back. Ur websites are just so cool. Thanks for the add on fb. Will keep in touch. Your informations are amazing and the words are kindly written.
Anytime Asaraf, a pleasure to meet a fellow neighbour! If you were to come to Malaysia, we can have a cup of coffee anytime 🙂
You have a great site! I’ve seen a lot of WA member sites and yours is the best and most helpful. I wish that I had joined Wealthy Affililates through you. I’ll keep an eye on your site in case you end up sharing something that I do need.
Thanks and best wishes for a very successful year.
Thank you Sondra! That means a lot to me, you could subscribe to my newsletter to know more of my new blog posts and I’ll let you know straight in your inbox 😀
wow! nice site, kinda like reading the newspaper online, lots of interesting articles! Keep it coming!
Thanks Juli! I will try update it often to make it look like an online newspaper 😉
I have already an account with WA but have never been active on that as I am not reasonably familiar with computer technics. Is it permissible to operate that account under your help and guidance or can I open a second account with WA.
It’s okay if you’re not active Mohanlal, it’s free forever so you can definitely use the same one again and yes, I’ll definitely help you inside.
Hello Riaz! The contents presented at this website are actually amazing for people’s knowledge. I’m loving it and I’ve been following your posts daily, they’re really amazing! keep up the nice work! I look forward to reading more 🙂
Thank you George, glad my posts help! I appreciate your kind words, they motivate me to work harder 🙂